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Products to reduce back pain

Продукты, способствующие избавлению от болей в спинеThe list of products, relieving the pain without pills.

Scientists from Germany conducted a study which found the importance of balanced nutrition for physical health.

At the end of the experiment, the experts made a list of products that contribute to relieve back pain, which today affects about 80% of Germans.

According to experts, proper diet not only improves their metabolic processes, but also to human health in General.

Special attention in the choice of food should pay for dairy products and beverages of plant origin, which provide the strength and stability of the skeleton.

You should also not forget about the role of water in human life. Thanks to her regular use of the spine becomes more flexible and at the same time strong.

Sources of calcium are foods of animal origin such as milk, yogurt or cheese. The presence of calcium in the body promote bone formation and prevent osteoporosis.

In the daily human diet must contain a variety of vegetables. Consumption, for example, a vegetable such as lettuce or spinach, leads to the strengthening of the bones due to the intake of vitamins of group B.

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