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Products that will help to cope with stress

People living in the city subject to constant stress because of the hassles, problems at work and other pressing matters, which do not always cause joy. But we are not robots and can’t always select “fuel” in the form of a constant flow of energy: stress, fatigue and lack of …

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Active lifestyle

Slim trim figure is the dream of many women. To achieve the desired results, ladies may use different methods, including hard diet. Prolonged fasting is fraught with health problems, while good nutrition along with regular exercise are designed to improve looks and health. Psychologists and nutritionists have agreed that people …

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What you need to know deodorants

There are just deodorants, but there are deodorants, antiperspirants. The action of conventional deodorant is based on the influence of antioxidants, which prevent the decomposition of sweat. It is in the oxidation of sweat gets an unpleasant odor. The use of such compounds will not prevent you from underarm wetness, …

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Frozen fruit: benefit or harm

According to experts, frozen fruits and vegetables still healthy. If your favorite fruits or berries could only be found at certain times of the year, or prices are too high, can easily replace them with frozen. According to experts, frozen fruits and vegetables still healthy. Frozen fruits and vegetables contain …

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How to get rid of addiction to coffee

Are you addicted to coffee? Congratulations: you are not alone! If there is something difficult to refuse most of us, it is the morning coffee pleasure. However, each of us has our own level of tolerance to coffee, and many of us have long since crossed this threshold. In the …

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Useful tips for a healthy heart

How to carry out prevention at home? Think of heart problems it’s not about you? In fact, about 20% of people dying from heart attacks, did not even know about that sick. Drink milk A recent study of British doctors have shown that people who consume dairy products at least …

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What should be the Breakfast to boost health

To work effectively and not be interrupted every half hour for a snack, in the morning we must eat well — so say all the specialists in nutrition. American nutritionist Neal Barnard contributed to this theory, making Breakfast menus for office workers who are primarily in the head and face …

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Why you should not throw away the avocado pit

Avocado is a very useful product. It contains 20 vitamins and minerals, and monounsaturated fatty acids. Its pulp is added to salads, sandwiches. But now nutritionists say we throw most nutritious part of the avocado pit. It contains the main proportion of nutrients (70%). Nutritionist Amy Shapiro comments: “the bone …

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The first symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is one of the oldest afflictions known to mankind. Despite efforts for decades taken by doctors and social workers, the spread of tuberculosis can not stop: in some regions, this disease has managed to cross the epidemic threshold. There is a perception that patients TB doctors become exclusively representatives …

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