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Useful tips for a healthy heart

Полезные советы для здорового сердцаHow to carry out prevention at home?

Think of heart problems it’s not about you? In fact, about 20% of people dying from heart attacks, did not even know about that sick.

Drink milk

A recent study of British doctors have shown that people who consume dairy products at least three times a day, blood pressure is lower than the others.
And high pressure, in turn, harms the blood vessels and can become one of the causes of heart attack or stroke.

As the researchers concluded, those who follow their heart, should eat more low-fat yogurts, curds, cheeses and so on — it will help to maintain the shape and get healthier.

Do gymnastics

Light exercises also help normalize blood pressure and to train the heart muscle. It is better suited to some stretching, breathing exercises or even yoga. The main thing — not to overexert yourself and exercise regularly.

Eat fish

The constant consumption of fish helps to cope with heart palpitations and even mild arrhythmia, which in turn can lead to heart attack and even death.
Such data was received by the staff at Harvard medical school. They argue that those who are concerned about their health, enough to eat fish one or two times a week, and it is desirable that it was a meatier dish — tuna or salmon, for example.

Easy on the juice

The British Academy of Sciences published results of studies showing that pomegranate juice strengthens blood vessels and even help them recover.
In addition, if you drink a glass of this juice a day will enter you into the habit, you will get rid of the problems with cholesterol: under the influence of substances contained in the juice, cholesterol plaques is reduced almost two times.

Instead of salt, soy sauce

Doctors at the National University of Singapore suggest daily add to soups, hot dishes and salads, no salt, and dark soy sauce. This will help your body fight the harmful effects of Smoking, excess weight and even diabetes.

But be careful: the sauce itself can contain quite a lot of “white death”, so before buying, read the section “members” on the label.

Often laugh

Don’t like sad movies? Well, right. According to the Maryland medical Institute, while watching comedies circulation of a person is much better than watching dramas and melodramas.
On average, for the prevention of heart disease doctors advise to laugh at least 15 minutes a day.

Healthy sleep — healthy heart

Women sleeping less than 5 hours per night, the risk of getting any cardiovascular disease by as much as 30% higher than those who spend in bed for 8 hours.
The secret is that lack of sleep can cause hormonal imbalance, disrupt blood sugar levels and impair your blood pressure. So, have a laugh, drink a glass of warm milk and go to sleep.

Breathe deeply

A normal person at rest makes from 16 to 19 breaths per minute. To normalize your blood pressure, try lowering this number to 10.

According to the researcher of the British Institute for the study of aging David Anderson, this simple breathing exercise slows the body’s process of allocating salts in the blood, which, in turn, raises the pressure.

Listen to jazz

A group of doctors from Oxford University have discovered that what we listen to affects our heart rate. Soft music with a slow rhythm helps to slow down the heartbeat, and therefore gives your heart a good break.

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