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Products that will help to cope with stress

Продукты, которые помогут справиться со стрессомPeople living in the city subject to constant stress because of the hassles, problems at work and other pressing matters, which do not always cause joy.

But we are not robots and can’t always select “fuel” in the form of a constant flow of energy: stress, fatigue and lack of sleep affect our body is not well and overload the brain. To relax and get rid of your stress offering you to include in your diet these 11 products.


The carbohydrates stimulate production of serotonin in the body — a hormone responsible for state of mind. The decrease in the level of serotonin in the brain can cause depression and migraines.
Oatmeal is rich in fiber, which is slowly absorbed. Therefore, despite the fact that oatmeal contains a lot of carbohydrates, it will use it because of the slow absorption does not lead to an undesirable sudden release of sugar in the blood. This quality oatmeal provides a feeling of fullness that lasts long.

Dark chocolate

Many people know that chocolate improves mood, as it helps produce endorphins — the hormone of happiness. Cocoa beans, from which chocolate contains special antioxidants, prolonging the life of nerve cells.
Not necessarily for prophylaxis of stress to get involved in the chocolate and eat it in large quantities. Enough to consume about 30 grams of quality dark chocolate a day.

Banana-milk smoothie

One of the most famous advice of psychologists — a mix of bananas and milk. Bananas are not just a fruit, and a huge reserve of good mood and energy. They contain vitamins E, C, B6. Among other things, the sugar that is in the banana, along with glucose will provide you with strength and vigor. But the alkaloid Harman is a delight and euphoria.
Benefits of bananas we’ve already covered, let’s move on to milk. It contains many b vitamins, They give our body energy and vigor in the fight against depression. Together, these two components — the ideal tool for dealing with stress.


These nuts are similar to chocolate, useful composition. The almond contains the vitamin Riboflavin (B2), vitamins E, zinc and magnesium. They produce in the body the serotonin that counteract stress and enhance the mood. Zinc also removes negative manifestations of stress, while vitamin E acts as a potent antioxidant.
Enough daily to eat a small amount of almonds to relieve nervous system. Just do not overdo it, as these nuts are high in calories and can lead to unwanted weight gain. Doctors recommend eating no more than 50 grams of almonds a day.


It is no secret that they contain very large amounts of vitamin C, which plays a leading role in the fight against stress. Our body does not synthesize vitamin C and not stockpiling it, so every day you want to include in the diet foods containing it.
Lemons, grapefruits, oranges and tangerines need to eat as often as possible. But it is worth remembering that with citrus, as with many products, the main thing — do not overdo it.

Green tea

Tea makes us resistant to stress and enhances mood in depression. All this can, of course, to explain the purification of blood from toxins, but it is much more pleasant to realize that along with the tea we pour in the mysterious, magical essence. Connoisseurs of the drink say that the conversations over tea are different from everyday conversations, and reveal the interlocutor with the best hand.
Such remarkable properties have only fresh and properly prepared tea. In addition to the normalization of the body, green tea is a powerful spiritual stimulus. This is why green tea helps us to fight stress.

Orange vegetables

Carrots, pumpkin and other orange vegetables are rich in provitamin a and beta-carotene. These elements strengthen the blood vessels of the brain and normalize the circulation of blood in the peripheral and Central nervous system. And it is perfectly relieves stress and improves mood.
It is recommended to eat every day at least one carrot. And to do it better in the morning, because at this time of day better foundations carbohydrates and beta-carotene.


According to some research, the salmon has the ability to reduce metabolic stress by lowering cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that increases in the body during mental and physical discomfort. Excess of this hormone lead to uncontrolled weight gain.


All berries are rich in natural sugars, which when injected into the body produce serotonin — the familiar “happy hormone”. The water contained in the berries, gives your cells the moisture.
The results are improved metabolism, the cells receive adequate nutrition and improves the mood inside.
Besides, the berries contain vitamin C that help the body to get rid of stress.


Chronic stress and fatigue is recommended to use products rich in iodine. One of these products, seaweed. Iodine and zinc contained in it, and normalize the endocrine system. And hormones are known key regulators of mood.


Wine is a great natural antidepressant and tranquilizer. Nobody argues with the assertion that wine is a beverage resulting in a state of euphoria, eliminating anxiety, and even relieves pain.
Why is it helpful wine? Many medicinal substances are present in plants in the form of complex compounds which are difficult to assimilate. The digestive juices are not able to split and unsplit, they do not penetrate through the intestinal wall into the blood. On the contrary, in the process of alcoholic extraction of many of these complexes decompose into simpler components, which are lossless for a long time remain in dissolved form and perfectly absorbed by the body.

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