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Frozen fruit: benefit or harm

Замороженные фрукты: польза или вредAccording to experts, frozen fruits and vegetables still healthy.

If your favorite fruits or berries could only be found at certain times of the year, or prices are too high, can easily replace them with frozen.

According to experts, frozen fruits and vegetables still healthy. Frozen fruits and vegetables contain the same nutrients, and as healthy as fresh. Usually they are frozen when they are in the juice, while buying fresh foods, we are not immune to the fact that they have not been collected for weeks before the sale. Stored for longer than fresh fruit and vegetables, the less useful they become.
Frozen gifts of nature not only do not lose their properties, but not lost. In addition, frozen fruits and vegetables should be washed and cut, and so you can use them for quick cooking of omelettes, soups, smoothies, yogurt and other dishes.

Buying frozen fruits, make sure that they have not added syrup or sugar, and do not buy frozen vegetables with sauce. The only thing that should be contained in the packaging is the fruits and vegetables.

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