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In Brazil found the remains of unknown animals

В Бразилии найдены останки неизвестных животныхBrazilian scientists announced the discovery of 2 previously unknown species of prehistoric animals.

Scientists from Brazil have discovered two new species of prehistoric animals, which could be the ancestors of the dinosaurs.

Details about the archaeological discovery can be studied in the pages of the relevant edition of Current Biology.

A team of researchers from ten universities in Brazil studied the remains of animals found in 2009-2010. During the reconstruction of the skeletons, archaeologists drew attention to the fact that all of the preserved bones are in good condition. Because of this the specialists were able to include animals that belonged to the remains, to certain types. Scientists believe that they got the fossils of the ancestors of prehistoric dinosaurs.

The study authors stated that a possible assumption about the involvement of these animals to the evolution of dinosaurs during the videoconference at the University of Sao Paulo, with the participation of the Lutheran University of Brazil.

The experts have already assigned a specific name previously unknown prehistoric animals: Buriolestes schultzi and Ixalerpeton polesinensis. Archaeologists suggest that the animals walked the earth 210 million years ago.

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