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Hundreds of previously unknown black holes, scientists

Открыты сотни неизвестных ранее черных дыр, - ученыеTo such conclusions scientists have come, having modeled a cluster of stars.

On Wednesday, British scientists announced they found in space, a star cluster with the maximum number of black holes.

Detailed information about the scientific work published in the latest edition of the Monthly Notices.

As informs specialized source, a spherical cluster of stars, together with black gifts revolve around the galaxy. Experts from the University of Surrey with ultraderecha could see globular clusters in space, which is several times the size of the Sun.

Gravitational holes more difficult to see, said the researchers, it is necessary to use special methods. The head of the scientific work of Miklos Peuchen declares that the study of NGC 610, the so-called cosmic cluster can explain the characteristics of the formation of black holes. It was found that NGC 610 is a relatively young cluster. More than a billion years in cosmic education added a new body.

Bauten believes that it will be possible to study the emergence of black holes through computer simulation. On the basis of our work will become easier to find new space clusters with black holes.

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