Home / Incredible / Hubble took pictures of the mysterious “red square”

Hubble took pictures of the mysterious “red square”

«Хаббл» сделал фото загадочного «красного квадрата»The Hubble telescope took pictures of the mysterious “red square” in space.

Star system HD 44179 located at a distance of approximately 2,300 light years from Earth and is located in the constellation of the Unicorn.

She is surrounded by a protoplanetary nebula, formed from the stellar matter from one star.

The main riddle posed by this system is not even in the form of the nebula. Scientists for 30 years worried about its chemical composition. By studying the spectrum of radiation, experts came to the conclusion that there is present a large proportion of complex organic substances, which was to die from the terrible ultraviolet radiation. But the series of images from Hubble have helped to lift the veil of secrecy HD 44179.

This stellar structure was opened in 1973 with the help of geophysical rockets. As you know, the dense layers of the earth’s atmosphere strongly absorb the frequency of the electromagnetic waves. For this reason, the observation of the starry sky is possible only abroad. The Hubble space telescope just specializiruetsya on this form of observation.

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