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How to quickly get rid of hiccups

Как быстро избавиться от икотыDoctors told the risk of hiccups and how to get rid of it.

Probably not on Earth such a person would not be tortured hiccup never in my life. Even in young infants is a frequent phenomenon. And it gives considerable discomfort.

What is a hiccup? If to say briefly, that hiccup is a violation of natural breathing. It occurs due to the fact that the diaphragm that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavity, spontaneously shrinks. And Icahn characteristic sound is due to the fact that the diaphragm closes the glottis when the person inhales.

Causes of hiccups

There are several main reasons for the occurrence of hiccups.

1. If a person is frozen. Often the reason why young babies hiccup. The child’s body in such a small age only trains to maintain, normal adult body temperature. And in this regard, kids are sensitive to any changes in ambient temperature. Even if hypothermia is quite small. In order for Icahn did not bother the newborn baby too often, you need to watch how you dress the baby for a walk according to the weather, as well as to monitor the temperature of the air in the room.

2. In young children who are breastfed, hiccup appears and after feeding. This happens when the baby to hurry to swallow, if the mother has too much milk.

3. One of the common causes of hiccough is plain overeating. In this case, the stomach is stretched. If you love to eat without measure, do not be surprised attacked by hiccups after a hearty lunch. But discomfort belching for this reason, not only adults but also children who are overfed. For example, caring grandmothers often like to do (of course, only with good intentions). Also newborn babies can suffer from this problem, when a portion of mom’s milk is too large.

4. When the intoxication of the human body with nicotine or alcohol or other chemical substances are also likely to be unpleasant hiccups.

5. If you have had a nervous strain, it is also the reason that causes a person to hiccup. For example, the sudden fright may cause a contraction of the diaphragm, both adults and very young children.

Hiccups dangerous?

The phenomenon itself is not dangerous hiccups. But in that case, if it is short-lived and infrequent. If you from time to time to prevent belching, you should think. This can be a signal of some disease. Here it is necessary to consult a doctor. A visit to the doctor should not be postponed in the event that if painful sensations appear in the chest cavity, it is difficult to swallow, suffer heartburn, hiccups last for more than one hour or bothering several times a day.

How to deal with a case of hiccups

The inability to breathe normally, talk or eat during hiccough very annoying any person. Everyone wants to get rid of this trouble. There are several ways to help.

1. Hold your breath three times. This will help to eliminate the discomfort.

2. If you froze and began to hiccup, you need as quickly as possible to keep warm. Drink hot tea and be sure to cuddle up in something.

3. Often try to breathe in for some time.

4. Hiccups are caused by nervous tension, can be removed, if you drink a sedative. For example, a typical sage.

5. Also to help yourself you can, if you eat some sour or bitter product. It is believed that when the stomach gets the food unusual, the spasm of the diaphragm will take place.

6. Known method of getting rid of hiccough, which was once recommended by a doctor of President Kennedy. It is this: you need enough to open your mouth wide, and the tongue protrudes forward and hold it in this position for as long as you can. Additionally, grasp the tip of your tongue and pull. After that, the hiccups will go away.

7. And finally, the classic way of getting rid of Intrusive discomfort is to drink a glass of water big gulps. Usually he is very good.

And let one of the ways, whether it is more or less popular, will help you to get rid of such unpleasant phenomena as a hiccup. Maybe you will be able to find your help!

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