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Doctors told how to get rid of edema.

Медики рассказали, как избавиться от отеков. This problem is familiar to many.

In many cases, the extra weight is not even a predominance of fat in the subcutaneous fat layer, and the accumulation of excess fluid. The water in the body tends to accumulate for various reasons and to provoke disorders in the kidneys or heart, swelling of the whole body, bags under the eyes, poor health.

The vast majority of cases, the appearance of edema people misbehave and instead to establish a water-drinking regime and to go to the doctor, maximally restrict the usage of clean water. And no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the less clean water used, the greater the swelling appears. What is the cause of fluid retention and how to withdraw water from the body?..

Causes of water retention in the body

When severe swelling is better not to succumb to the impulse to the use of various tools for artificial withdrawal of fluids from the body, and figure out what is the cause of this state?

With the help of a doctor and a detailed examination is necessary to find out which causes the puffiness. In women, the swelling is often associated with the characteristics of the flow of menstruation. It is possible that the root cause of the congestion is hormonal imbalance.

If the specialist does not determine the presence of any pathological process in the body, hence, water accumulates in the body due to improper diet or lifestyle.

Limiting the consumption of water is for clean drinking water, not coffee, tea, and other beverages.

Consumption of diuretic beverages or those that retain water in the body (coffee, tea, soft drinks, beer, sparkling water). If the body understands that is threatened by rapid dehydration, the process of accumulation of fluid in the extracellular space to maintain vital processes.

The abundance of savory foods – in this case, the liquid accumulates to o excess salt and toxins.

Sedentary work or permanent stay on his feet – is a violation of water circulation in the body, which leads to its accumulation, and of course edema.

Slowing of metabolism in the absence of a properly selected diet, physical activity and the required drinking regimen.

How to withdraw water from the body through diet

To get rid of the swelling and remove excess fluid from the body, it is necessary first of all to establish a diet. It is fundamentally wrong to stop drinking for edema, you should drink it in small doses, but frequently.

Tips on how to reduce water from the body:

Drink per day to 2 liters of clean boiled water in small SIPS and often.

Strictly control the consumption of salty foods and limit the use of salt for cooking up to 5 grams per day.

Refrain from black tea, coffee, sparkling water, beer, soft drinks.

Perform simple exercises to help with swelling.

Do morning exercises.

Don’t eat anything processed and canned foods.

Also great help to remove excess water from the body special diet.

The use of diet will be effective with the full drinking up to 2 liters per day.

Milk-tea diet for the removal of water from the body

Designed diet for healthy people without any problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the excretory system. To prepare a drink, you need: 2 litres of low calorie milk and 1.5 tbsp of green tea. In boiling milk put tea, bring to the boil and place on a steam bath for 10 minutes. Let stand and eat.

The first three days nothing to eat, at the first urge of hunger drink molokochay. On the fourth day in food you can use oatmeal, soups, vegetables (no meat), boiled meat in limited quantities, steamed vegetables. After 10 days, return to the main diet excluding fatty foods and salty foods (sausages, salty cheese).

Kefir diet for getting rid of swelling

The diet starts with a complete cleaning of the bowel and is based on the use of yogurt as a main dish for 7 days.

Day 1. 100 grams of yogurt + boiled potatoes (5 PCs).

Day 2. 100 grams of yogurt + boiled chicken (200 grams).

Day 3. 100 grams of yogurt + a boiled beef (200 grams).

Day 4. 100 grams of yogurt + fish (200 grams).

Day 5. 100 grams of yogurt + fruits and vegetables.

Day 6. 100 grams of yogurt and nothing more.

Day 7. Mineral water without gas.

Also aides in getting rid of excess water in the body are fasting days. To use, you can choose oatmeal, watermelon, pumpkin or yogurt.

The removal of excess water using a baths with salt and soda

Relieve fatigue, relax after a hard day and simultaneously withdraw fluid and lose weight to help with bath salt and soda. Better to take a bath in the evening to 2 hours before receiving nothing to drink or eat.

Fill the tub with warm water (not over 38 degrees), add 200 grams of salt (sodium chloride) and 300 grams of sodium. Enjoy a bath needs for over 20 minutes, and it is a good time to drink a Cup of warm green tea.

After the bath, wrap yourself up in several blankets and sweat for 40 minutes watching a favorite movie. Next, you should take a shower and be sure not to eat anything, go to sleep. The next morning you will feel unprecedented ease and peace of mind.

A bath cannot be taken during the diet for removing fluid from the body. Before you plan an evening bath with salt and soda, throughout the day will provide the body with vitamins and minerals, protein and other important components.

Products delivering water from the body

In addition to specific actions aimed at getting rid of excess water, you need to establish your diet and to diversify the menu products, removing the liquid from the body.

Products delivering water:

– vegetables and fruits in raw form;

– oatmeal and rice porridge;

– watermelon and berries (strawberry, strawberries);

– herbs: parsley, celery, nettle, sorrel;

– beets and beet juice;

– pumpkin and pumpkin juice;

– high-quality green tea;

– nuts;

– eggplant, zucchini.

As it is impossible to withdraw excess fluid from the body

Remember that you can not use diuretics or infusions of herbs without consulting a doctor. Also, do not consume slimming teas during the presence of edema of hands, feet, face. It’s not just unsafe, and can lead to the development of many disorders in the body.

It is also impossible to limit themselves to drinking: drink sufficient plain water, and monitor salt intake. In this case, after a few days, the body will cease to accumulate liquid reserve.

If the self fails to normalize circulation of body fluids, talk to your doctor about taking special medicines for removing excess water and remove swelling.

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