Home / Medicine / The best ways to “cleanse” the kidneys

The best ways to “cleanse” the kidneys

Названы лучшие способы «очистки» почекFrom the kidneys depends on the state of the whole organism.

The kidneys are filters of our body and to remove carbon contaminants, excess water and salts.

In fact, the kidneys are constantly formed crystals of various salts, and that’s fine. If everything works well, these salts do not bother us and yourself removed from the body. But if the kidneys remove them fast enough, then in the renal pelvis gradually precipitate in the form of sand or stones. The sand is like powder, it is so shallow that settles at the bottom of the renal pelvis and from time to time not. As for the stones, if they have formed and grown to larger than 1 cm, and, unfortunately, cleaning is unlikely to help. But our task – in any case to prevent this, we conduct purification notes known naturopath Inna Kriksunov in the book “Cleanse for beauty and youth.”

Why are sand and stones? First, to blame the wrong food, especially rich food meat (meat gives most of the toxins).

Sand and stones also arise from a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, if you regularly play sports: do gymnastics, go to the gym, Jogging, etc., you disperse the blood around the body and toxins you have enough actively carried off. But if you have a sedentary job, in addition, instead of sport, you every night sitting in front of the TV, the blood is stagnant, in this case, the toxins gradually accumulate in the organs, including the kidneys.

In the formation of sand and stones are also guilty infections: colds, flu, sore throat, etc., especially if they were poorly treated or transferred to the legs.

If the kidneys intoxicated, then they do not work in full force. Then the liquid in the body becomes stagnant and the toxins that you want to appear away, again into the blood. All this affects the heart, and it ceases to cope with their responsibilities. In any case, it handles them worse than necessary. And you may not notice that and continue to believe that your heart is more or less okay – just you have some reason there is a weakness, lack of energy, apathy, unwillingness to work, etc.

If the kidneys is intoxicated, it is also reflected in the vision. When the fluid is not excreted completely from the body, the ocular vessels and capillaries experience increased intraocular pressure. If this happens continuously, then the vision falls.

Poor kidney function also leads to the appearance of edema. Most often they arise on the legs, arms and under the eyes. So cleansing the kidneys has a direct relation to grooming and beauty!

Here is what you get, clearing the kidneys.


When you clean the kidneys, the excess fluid will leave the body. Heart be easier, it would be better to pump the blood. This will improve the metabolism and increase energy. Blood pressure is also normal.


With the excess fluid will go away and unwanted pounds. So, it will be easier joints: gait will be easy, but the movement is smooth and flexible.


When the body is free from unnecessary water, leaving swelling, puffiness, disappear bags under the eyes. The skin to get rid of pallor and becomes fresh, smooth and taut.


The intraocular pressure is normal, eyes are less tired, improve vision.


Cleansing – this is a great prevention of health of organs and systems. Any cleansing starts the process of rejuvenation. In any case, it slows aging and prolongs life, and that’s good!

Cleaning with cranberries or blueberries

You need

Of course you will need 3 kg of cranberry or lingonberry. Berries sold in the market. It is best to buy them from August to October in the growing season, they are cheaper than in winter.

In the supermarkets sometimes frozen cranberries and lingonberries. Of course, the fruit quality is inferior to fresh. But if you don’t find fresh, then so be it, take frozen.

How to clean

This cleaning is very easy and pleasant: every day, eat 1 Cup of berries (of course, them it is necessary to rinse). That’s all! One Cup holds 200 g of cranberry/cranberries, so the whole Shoe would last 15 days.

If the taste of cranberry/lingonberry for you too sour, you can sprinkle berries 1 teaspoon of sugar.

How often you need to clean

Such a “tasty” clean enough to be done twice a year. In the first year you can do it more often, for example three or four times.

The cleansing herbal infusion

You need

There are many herbs for the kidneys:

– birch leaves, birch buds – perhaps the best remedy for the kidneys, has diuretic and diaphoretic action;
– Sambucus nigra – has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect;
– cranberries (leaves) – a wonderful antiseptic, kills germs;
– oregano – a diuretic and diaphoretic;
nettle – diuretic, increases metabolism;
Melissa – soothes the pain in the kidneys that sometimes occur during the purification;
– juniper has diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect;
– parsley has a diuretic effect and dissolves stones in the kidneys and bladder;
– celery (root) – has a diuretic effect;
– the knotweed (it is also called “knotweed”) – crushes and grinds the rocks and sand;
– bearberry (also called bear ears) – disinfects the urinary tract;
– fennel – has a diuretic effect;
– viola tricolor – has a diuretic effect;
– horsetail – diuretic;
– Clary sage – relieves inflammation;
– erwa woolly (also called polpala) – dissolves kidney stones and sand.

Each herb acts on its own. Some crushed kidney stones and sand, others disinfect and reduce inflammation, and others, acting diuretic, washed kidney. The best is to use several herbs in combination. Then the cleansing of the kidneys will be comprehensive.

Of course you will need a total of 250-300 g of dried herbs. It is best to take different herbs from the list above, then their action is complex and each area of the urinary tract will be cleansed of toxins. Pharmaceutical packaging usually contain 50 grams, so buy 5-6 packs.

If desired the grass can prepare themselves.

How to clean

Pour into a thermos 3 tablespoons of the herbs and pour two cups of boiling water, it will be the daily portion. Now let it all infused (usually herbal teas insist 30-40 minutes, but can be longer).

In the morning on an empty stomach, drink one Cup of herbal tea. Drink second glass in the evening before bedtime. As you can see, nothing complicated. If you want, add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Every day brew different herbs from those that you bought. Or can mix them as you like.

Take herbal infusion for three weeks, this will be the course of purification.

How often you need to clean

Such a course of purification is enough to be done twice a year.

Cleansing infusion of rose hips

You need

You will need dry rose hips. They are sold in a drugstore, but you can buy them on the market. Or you can prepare the rose hips themselves. Just collect it outside the city or in the quiet, remote city Park which are not reached by automobile exhausts.

How to clean

Lightly mash the fruits in a mortar or pass them through the grinder, then the infusion will be much more intense. But if you don’t have time or you are lazy, you can use them whole.

Take 4-5 tablespoons of rose hips, throw them in a thermos and pour two cups of boiling water – it will be a dose for one day. Let’s insist in a thermos overnight.

The infusion should be dark and rich, like regular tea (though compared to the tea he’s not that transparent). It tastes rather pleasant, a little tart. Infusion if you have too light, next time add more rose hips.

Morning fasting drink one Cup of infusion. Drink second glass in the evening before bed. Do this for two weeks – this will be the course of purification.

How often you need to clean

For the first time this course can be done three times per year, at intervals of three to four months. Then it is enough to do once a year.

Cleansing with watermelon

You need

Try to buy watermelons grown without chemicals. How to recognize them? Those that do not contain chemicals, red, juicy, sweet. And those that grew up with artificial additives usually watery and tasteless, and the color of their flesh, though red, but some unsaturated.

How to clean

The urinary system is most active from 17 to 20 hours. At this time, eat as much watermelon as you like. Nothing else at this time is impossible! Now the body must work on cleansing the kidneys, and not digestion of food.

Then, when you eat watermelon “from the belly”, sit in a hot bath (water temperature should be such that it was nice to be in it). Sit there until you want to use the toilet.

During warm up, the ureters dilate due to this, the sand and small stones can pass through them and excreted with urine from the body.

Repeat this procedure (eating watermelon and sitting in the tub) three to five times, at intervals through the day. This will be a course watermelon cleansing kidney.

How often you need to clean

Watermelon is a seasonal product. Therefore, this cleaning is carried out in the late summer – early fall. In her first year to spend twice, with an interval of one month. And then you can do it once a year.

Cleansing with Flaxseed

You need

Buy at the pharmacy one pack of knotweed, horsetail, birch leaf and flax seed. Pour them in a bowl in the following ratio:

five parts flax seed
four of the birch leaf
– one part horsetail,
– one part of the knotweed.

Part is easy to measure out the tablespoons. Mix all, you get herbal blend of this cleansing.

How to clean

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of mixture in a thermos and pour two cups of boiling water. It will be a dose for one day. Usually herb insist 30-40 minutes, but can be longer.

Drink one Cup of infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. Drink second glass in the evening before bed. Drink infusion for five days, this will be the course of purification.

How often you need to clean

For the first time this cleaning is better to spend three times, at intervals of one to two months. Then it can be done once a year.

Cleaning with oats

You need

For cleaning need diuretic herbs, they are sold in pharmacies. Best are birch leaves or buds, elderflower and violet. If you can’t find these herbs, take any such action. Also will buy whole grain oats, in the shell.

How to clean

Within ten days drink herbal infusion for diuretic effects. To do this, brew 2 tablespoons of herbs in one Cup of boiling water. Drink half a Cup morning and evening.

At the same time with this drink (or rather, eat) oatmeal thick “jelly”.

Cooking oatmeal “pudding”

– Rinse two to three cups of oat grains,
– fill them with cold water so that it slightly covered them,
– bring to a boil,
– as soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum
– let the oats cooked, or rather stewed on small fire (on the divider) for two to three hours,
– if necessary, add some water little by little to “jelly” not burnt,
– then, not allowing the oats to cool (this is important!), wipe it through a sieve or colander.

Oatmeal “pudding” is ready.

Eat this “jelly” three or four times a day and more. If you want, add honey to taste (sugar and salt can not be put).
Do this for ten days. This will be the course of oatmeal cleansing.

How often you need to clean

In the first year, perform this cleaning two or three times, and then it will be enough to do it once a year.

Cleaning parsley and dill

You need

Buy two large handfuls of herbs, each 30-40 g. the Greens should be fresh, with no signs of wilting. Of course, it is best if parsley and dill are from the garden, so this cleaning is convenient to carry out at his dacha.

You’ll also need 1 liter of juice, preferably Apple.

How to clean

For cleaning you will need one free day. Within it, you will have only greens and drink the juice, nothing else in this day can not use.

In the morning take an enema to cleanse the bowel. Then mix the parsley with the dill and divide them all into five portions. This will be your food for the day. Plus juice.
In between chewing the greenery and drink of the juice can go about their business.

Eat the greens and drink the juice according to the following schedule:

9.00– Rinse 1-th portion of greens and eat it without salt and bread. Can chew or finely shred – it as you like. Wash down a glass of Apple juice.
10.00– Drink small SIPS one glass of boiled water.
11.00 – Again SIPS drink one glass of water.
12.00 – Eat a second helping of greens (don’t forget to chew). Wash down with a glass of juice.
13.00 – Drink SIPS a glass of water.
14.00 – Again drink a glass of water.
15.00 – Eat the 3rd serving of greens. Wash down with a glass of juice.
16.00 – Drink a glass of water.
17.00 – Again drink water.
18.00 – Suite 4th portion of greens and drink down her juice.
19.00 – Drink a glass of water.
20.00 – Again, drink water.
21.00 – Eat 5, the last portion of greens and follow with the remaining juice.
22.00 – Drink water.
23.00 – again drink water.
All! After that with quiet conscience go to sleep.

Beside the bed put a glass of water. And wind the clock for 2-3 hours a night.

At night you will have some time to get up “to urinate” (parsley and dill have a strong diuretic effect).

When 2-3 hours of the night you will hear the ringing of the alarm, drink the prepared glass of water and go back to sleep. This is necessary in order to dissolve any remaining slag and thoroughly flush the kidneys.

In the morning do an enema to bring the remnants of the toxins. This purification is over!

This Shoe is good because it takes only one day. And if you are strong-willed, disciplined woman, easily able to sit the whole day on the parsley and dill, then this is your option.

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