Home / Incredible / Geophysics has recorded high frequency fluctuations in the Earth’s mantle

Geophysics has recorded high frequency fluctuations in the Earth’s mantle

Геофизики зафиксировали высокочастотные колебания в мантии ЗемлиThe wave propagation inside the mantle stretched on for millions of years.

Geophysics from Cambridge University (UK) presented their assessment of the frequency of disturbance propagation in the Earth’s mantle, which was ten times higher than scientists thought. A study published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Periodic propagating in the Earth’s mantle density perturbations, as shown by the work of scientists, have a wavelength of about thousands of kilometers and amplitude of one kilometer. Over the past 30 years, researchers believed that the length of mantle waves ten times more, and their peak — twice.

To such conclusions scientists have analyzed point 2010 features associated with seismic activity on the ocean floor. The movement of the mantle inside the Earth scientists compared with the movement of a yo-yo.

The wave propagation inside the mantle stretched on for millions of years. During this time, perturbations can lead to changes in the topography of the earth’s surface, in particular to the emergence of new mountains, lowlands with a height and a depth of about one hundred meters) and volcanoes and earthquakes.

A new study has shown that the wave perturbations in the mantle have a much greater frequency than previously thought. The latter can have a big impact on the processes conductive to the occurrence of earthquakes and volcanoes in places that are in the centers of tectonic plates (e.g., Hawaii). The work of scientists can be useful for the search of hydrocarbon deposits and predict long-term global climate change.

Previously in early may, the researchers showed that the reason for the abnormally high electrical conductivity of the mantle at depths of 40 to 100 kilometers is the dehydration of chlorite.

Gown, formed by hot silicate rocks, is located between the crust and the core of the Earth. Its thickness is three thousand kilometers.

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