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Found new differences between male and female brains

Найдены новые различия между женским и мужским мозгомThe difference in brain activity is evident during the work that requires cooperation.

Scientists from Stanford University stated that the difference between the behavior of men and women in solving problems that require cooperation with others, is reflected in brain activity.

As stated by one of the study’s authors Allan Riess, “this does not mean that men or women better cooperate or can’t cooperate with each other. Rather, it is just a difference in how they work together”.

Previous studies have shown that women are better at cooperating under the guidance of other women, men are more likely to cooperate in large groups. In addition, the two men cooperate with each other more successfully, than two women, but in mixed pairs, women are more likely to cooperate.

In the study, researchers used a method of gipersalivacia, which allows you to determine brain activity in two people while they are in contact or communicate with each other. The study involved 222 people, each of whom was appointed partner. Pairs consisted of two men, two women or men and women.

The researchers found that the male of the pair coped with the task better than women, however, brain activity in pairs showed a high degree of synchronization.

To the surprise of scientists, heterosexual couples showed the same good results as pairs, consisting of men, but in their brain was not identified consistency.

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