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Cosmologists explained the transparency of the Universe

Космологи объяснили прозрачность ВселеннойScientists have observed the radiation of galaxies 11.5 billion light-years from Earth.

Scientists from the University of California riverside were able to explain the causes of the ionization of the inventory of hydrogen in the young Universe, making it become transparent.

Scientific work was published in the Astrophysical journal.

The newborn universe shortly after sverhdorogih expansion became completely dark because of the rapidly cooled material. Even after the appearance of the first stars of the universe remained impenetrable to light because of the dense hydrogen clouds. Only the subsequent ionization of these clouds made the young Universe more transparent and accessible to observation.

Scientists previously were aware of the existence of such a period in the life of the Universe, but its duration and nature of the processes taking place there caused many discussions. Some experts gave the role of ionizing “engine” of the first supermassive black holes, others attributed this achievement to the stars.

To answer this question was created a computer model that showed the amount of ionization taking into account available information on the amount of dust in “dark” Universe. It was discovered that the rays fell into the interstellar medium much earlier, causing ionization were faster. The data obtained cosmologists will use to retrieve information about what objects took the greatest part in the “enlightenment” of the Universe.

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