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Called the main component of quick weight loss

Названа главная составляющая быстрого похуденияCounting calories is very important for those people who want to quickly get rid of extra pounds.

So your body will not suffer, be sure to add in your diet of vegetables, proteins, grains, fruits and polyunsaturated fats, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference for Today.

When I heard the word “slim” in the imagination immediately draws a hungry diet and the torment of the other. But there are less drastic method to lose a little weight, not tormented himself with the hunger.

It is enough just to lead a normal calorie counting, grouping them individually the required rate on the day.

This way of losing weight is considered to be the most effective, because the process takes place naturally without a full renunciation of delicious foods, health and dietary habits.

But, as often happens with different diets, there are those who this method is suited, and those who are against this method of weight loss.

Who is against

Some doctors believe counting is an ineffective tool for weight loss and even blame him for obesity. In their opinion, disturbed carbohydrate metabolism provokes an increase in weight, so to reduce it they recommend is to remove carbohydrates from the diet, than just to reduce the portions of food.

Now is also a popular diet number of products aimed at lowering calories and balancing food. In this case, you do not need to be counting calories, because you’ll just use your intuition and natural landmarks, such as the size of your own fist.

But everyone decides for himself what suits him: focus on the intuition, not to refuse food or just reduce your calories through simple counting.

How to count calories

You need to remember the main rule that you lose weight when you eat less than you spend.

So most nutritionists recommend starting weight loss program with numbers that determine your basal metabolic rate. Thus the average rate of supply for most women is at the level of 1200-1900 calories.

However, in developing its standards for calories, you need to consider several factors:

– gender (men have more muscle and therefore need more calories);

the participation rate is high you need more calories because of the larger area of the body);

– age (after 20 years every 10 years, the amount of calories is reduced by 2%);

– current weight and desired;

– intensity of physical activity.

It should be noted that with the right preparation your diet, you will not stay hungry.

Calculations of calories

In order to know your normal calorie dishes you will need to acquire table calorie foods, pad, kitchen scales and containers to measure the volume. This is necessary in order to correctly calculate the products, because the tables are usually data of calorie per 100 grams.

If you decide to eat a sandwich with cheese and drink a Cup of sweet tea, then calculate the caloric content of this snack can be so. Cut a slice from the 100-gram piece of cheese and weigh it. Then take the calorie content of 100g for 100% and you just cut off a piece, for example, 40 g for “X”.

Then make a proportion and find the “X”. Do not forget to do the same thing with bread, butter, and sugar for tea. Thus you will get the exact calorie content of your snack.

There are also important points that need to be considered. Calorie tea, coffee and water is considered as zero and should count only those that add sugar or milk.

Don’t forget also that the caloric value of the portions depends on the weight of the dish and weight of one serving.

Thus, if you are going to fry the dish, then you need to add to its calorific value 20% oil for frying.

There is another important point – nutritionists recommend to stick to 5 meals a day diet, with calories distributed in this ratio:

– Breakfast – 25%;

– second Breakfast – 10%

– lunch – 30%,

– hearty afternoon snack – up to 25,

– dinner only 10%.

So your body will not suffer, be sure to add in your diet of vegetables, proteins, grains, fruits and polyunsaturated fats.

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