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Spinning in a fast stream

  Sometimes years, from the opening of the season, spinning, fishing with artificial lures on river flow has a certain difficulty. This is due to the fact that on rivers with vigorous stirring of water no thermal stratification, as, for example, in reservoirs. So, first of all, the difficult search …

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When easily betray the Motherland?

Europe – the old world, who saw, perhaps, everything. Love and loyalty, friendship and war, betrayal and betrayal – all this has been completed the European States. People at all times were divided into “good” and “bad”. But there were those who created something good, and then crossing some kind …

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In winter, Vahe

Winter Vahe excellent bite roach, or as it is otherwise called — roach (Bursch). And, in my experience and according to the information of old residents, from under the ice often catches bigger fish than autumn and summer. Arriving in this region in the summer of 2008, bought a house, …

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Named the most miserable country in the world

The most miserable country in the world recognized Burundi, and the happiest — Denmark. This is evidenced by the research results of the World Happiness Report Update 2016, conducted by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network on behalf of the UN. Denmark slipped from first place last year’s leader on level …

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The success of the Polish industry, or How to be in the EU

Electrical engineering is 40% of Polish exports and provides a positive balance of foreign trade. According to the Central statistical office of Poland, in 2015 the total Polish exports amounted to $ 178,7 billion euros. It is 7.8% more than in 2014, reports Radio Poland. Poland exports exceeded imports by …

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Roach in the rushes

According to many anglers, alovivi not one ice season, the best places for catching roach are quite deep parts of reservoirs devoid of aquatic vegetation. The fishing itself is also very detailed and very reminiscent of Lesovoy with lots of bait. Even in shallow, overgrown waters, the angler tries to …

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Ukrainian soldiers envied bananas American soldiers

Ukrainian soldiers revolted different menu in the dining rooms for Ukrainians and Americans. About this on his page in Facebook wrote the driver 80-th separate airmobile brigade of the Armed forces of Ukraine (APU) Yuriy Temchenko. “Defenders of Ukraine on Ukraine fed worse than dogs, and defenders of Canada and …

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