The most miserable country in the world recognized Burundi, and the happiest — Denmark. This is evidenced by the research results of the World Happiness Report Update 2016, conducted by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network on behalf of the UN.
Denmark slipped from first place last year’s leader on level of happiness in Switzerland, which was in second place. The ten most satisfied with life also includes (in descending order of level of happiness): Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden.
Burundi came last, 157 th place ranking, it is located: Syria, Togo, Afghanistan and Benin (they took the 156-th — 153 th lines).
Russia was in 56th place in the list of happiest States. In 2015, the country ranked 64th place.
Canada ranked sixth, the Netherlands seventh, New Zealand — eight, Australia is the ninth, Sweden tenth.
On 11-th row — Israel, 12 — Austria, 13-th — USA. Germany went to 16-th place, UK — 23rd, Japan — 53rd, China — 83-E.
The authors of the report explain that the level of happiness of the population does not always correspond to the standard of living in the country. Satisfaction influenced by the combination of economic, environmental and social factors. It is also noted that citizens of countries with less social inequality more happy.
The methodology of calculation is available in the full version World Happiness Report Update 2016.
In 2012, the UN General Assembly on 20 March was declared as International day of happiness, and the publication of the World Happiness Report is timed to this date.