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Luxury cottages considered endangered species housing

Because of the shortage of construction of elite cottages may disappear from the primary market of the Moscow region, said in a press release of the company Villagio Estate. Experts estimate that about four years ago, luxury cottages occupied 75 percent of the market, and today 50 percent. “If the …

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How to make money on the new Russia

Life in the Donbass as a whole came in the pre-war status. In Lugansk national Republic (LNR) opened fitness centers, factories, sell and buy apartments. However, with money from local big problem: the salary and social payments barely make it to Russian low, and the authorities hastily looking for new …

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Birch SAP

Longer and longer it becomes daylight. Getting hotter and brighter the sun shines. Louder and louder chirping birds outside the window. Louder rings drops from the roofs, and, despite the freezing temperatures at night, the air becomes saturated with different smells inherent in the coming Spring. It is beyond words, …

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The law on “resources”

Yes, Yes, all about that ill-fated law. It’s been six years since adopted, was the law about hunting in Russia. And despite numerous protests of ordinary hunters, wildlife managers and scientists about the unsuitability of this document, the government laid the ears, and pretends that everything is normal, and what …

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Nuclear degradation of Japan as a warning to Russia

About the sad state of energy of Japan much has been said. The accident at Fukushima in 2011 and followed it mass hysteria “green”, which led to a halt of all (!) 54 reactors, brought the country to energy collapse . By 2014, the Japanese authorities realized that without nuclear …

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“That’s why nothing will change in the near future!”

Funny thing is Russian post-Soviet mentality: our head sit in some strange setting and cognitive algorithms, which, if you think about it, are complete nonsense. None of world languages, you will not find the stories “never a good life, nothing to start”, in any civilized country sensible person will not …

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