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Meeting with the master of the sky

  Rare and the largest eagle. Strong bird able to get foxes, jackals, and small ungulates. Spent hours hovering in the sky in ascending currents of warm air, looking for prey, and swooping from the height and rapid speed. Or in inclement weather waiting for the prey from ambush. In …

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The rich and the famous covered Panama

The largest in the history of the “leak” of information exposing the financial machinations of the global elite, revealed another secret: the heads of state and government, their relatives and attendants, sports stars and big business EN masse sheltering money from taxation through non-transparent financial schemes and active assistance of …

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About the new reform of the Russian health

Well imagine how annoying it can be in our society invoke any talk of any change in such a painful and important for every field of medicine. Almost all the innovations of recent decades have led to equally tragic consequences, as in science, education, economy, culture and politics. But about …

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What shot to shoot?

In recent years in the hunting community, in order to increase profits, began almost uncontrollable growth in the number of members of our collectives. After all, one way of funding societies are membership fees. As a result — increase in the

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The United States intends to fight corruption worldwide

The Department of fight against fraud of the Ministry of justice of the USA will launch a new program aimed at combating foreign corruption, reports Reuters referring to the statement of the Ministry. According to the Agency, the statement of the Ministry of justice are not given the details of …

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The Briton found a way to constantly order a free pizza

Briton Paul Pryce, who works as a security consultant, found on the Domino’s Pizza app technical error in which users could order pizza for free. On Tuesday, April 5, according to Motherboard. He found that the application was made invalid payments, and then made the order without paying him. After …

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