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What shot to shoot?

In recent years in the hunting community, in order to increase profits, began almost uncontrollable growth in the number of members of our collectives. After all, one way of funding societies are membership fees. As a result — increase in the number of hunters. As a consequence of the saturation of land in the hunters themselves. The introduction of a single hunting ticket reduced load, but still in the distant Soviet times, hunters in the grounds were much smaller.

Most of the newcomers, even passing kotenkom remain outsiders in the hunt. Over the past six years I had to “nastavnici” three such hunters. And though now of them periodically to hunt only one, above all due to stress at work. The other two guns did not sell. Recalling how he started two of them came to me in spring valdshnepy cravings, remember one thing: asked what they had for ammo and for what fraction. They opened their cartridge boxes and imported boxes of ammunition. Oh my God, what a party it was! And bullet cartridges, and grapeshot! Pieces by 20 different my best. The most amazing thing was that the cartridges with small shot they had a “Threesome”!

— You’re going to hunt? — was my question.
— Woodcock.
— And who is, you know? And what size?

It turned out that two of them came into hunts-the society only in November last year. And on the first hunt, they were invited by friends on a wild boar. And once went on rabbits. Since they ammunition have not changed.

Over the years I have gathered a pretty good library, and there were videos on hunting subjects. Immediately set them for “educational program”.
Out of their reserves gave them ten rounds with “seven”, came out with them for traction. Put them on span. Haven’t started the pull, and Alexander S. begun duplicity. Back and from afar I watch for who he’s blowing? It turns out, flying at thrushes and starlings!

— You’re who they’re firing at? I asked him.
— Game, — was the answer.

Already the next day he got his first weevil.

Well, for beginners it’s forgivable. But for more than forty years of hunting practice I’ve seen and experienced hunters who did not recognize any other ammo, just their favorite. In 1984 I got to serve in the Arkhangelsk region. And this taiga region, and who hunted in the forest Yes forest, also knows that you can shoot briefly. My “mentor” here was almost my namesake — V. Cherkassy, F. he Particularly attracted by the decoy grouse. Imagine my surprise when, seeing the grouse in his hands, I was amazed at how he’s broke. The more that I saw that shot Franzevich from ten meters.

It turns out that he was shooting bullets with a “unit”. And no other ammo he had. But, as he said, don’t need to reload while shooting and grouse, and rabbit — and there was in abundance. And the ducks and the grouse he same ammo was shot.

The other two, ibid., did not recognize any other ammo, except with their favorite “nulevku”. The name of one of them, unfortunately, forgotten, but Nikolai he remembered. He was a passionate lover of hunting Belyakov. What contained ganaka. But hunting him as something not lucky. First, as soon as the dog raised a rabbit and began to drive, each time Nicholas ran after him. Secondly, shooting through the trees and bushes at the limit — up to fifty meters. As a result, he rarely produced more than one rabbit. At the same time we, his friends, three or four. Of course, we shared the booty equally.

I shot Belyakov, as a rule, cartridges with the Quartet. Although I remember once, going to the grouse, saw suddenly jumped five meters hare. And since there were loaded rifle rounds with the “seventh” number offhand shot at him and hit.

And already here, on land of Tula, met one of such. This Leh Suprun. And although now, for some subjective reasons, he does not hunt in past years at the winter hunting the hare and Fox, he did not recognize any of the cartridges except four zeros. Explaining this, first of all, the fact that he had to shoot from under ganaka, as a rule, the limit is 60 meters, or even 80.
However, many of us have seen that in most cases getting into production 3-5 pellets corresponding to a given game the number the fraction is more effective than one, but larger. Though among my friends there were cases when it was hit by geese and ammunition with “seven” or “five”. But shot every time not more than 30 metres. And even closer.

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