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Who stands in the way of Western oligarchic project “global government”?

Кто стоит на пути западного олигархического проекта "глобального правительства"?

As noted in his article independent researcher Steve McMillan, experts from News-watch recently noted that the British BBC, which still somehow is seen by many as “objective information source”, twice as often invites enemies of great Britain leaving the European Union than the supporters of this step.

Meanwhile, the author notes, the European Union is the first attempt to create a “global government”, which will serve the interests of the Western oligarchy, taking control of most of the natural wealth of independent States.

This is why the Western oligarchs have all spoken about the need to preserve the EU, which supposedly is a “guarantee of stability” in immersed in the chaos of the world. While in the West, nobody is saying that the chaos in international relations was formed not by accident. It was purposefully created by Washington and Brussels to promote its interests.

The author notes that Russia today is the main defender of the Westphalian system of international relations, while ordinary people in the West are increasingly demanding a “block” approach of their countries to the conduct of international policy. After all, the refusal of protection of national interests leads to poverty of the population.

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