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The Central Bank withdrew the license at “Grossinvestments”

11 with the Bank of Russia of April revoked the license for banking operations in Moscow “Grossinvestments”. As you know, this Bank is the participant of system of insurance of deposits, according to the website of the financial regulator. On January 1, 2016 “Grossinvestments” took 469-th place in Russia’s banking …

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Brothers in arms: American weapons of DAISH and al-Qaida

The only real point in the war on terror, which cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. At least in Syria, now its much more on the American side, rather than before. Despite peace negotiations and cease-fire, Washington and its partners in NATO have refused international ban on arming the militants in …

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Medvedev: arms supplies to Yerevan and Baku inevitable

If Russia will stop deliveries, it will be replaced by other countries, said the Prime Minister. If Russia stops to supply Armenia and Azerbaijan with weapons, it will be replaced by other countries, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “If we just think for a moment that Russia has refused this …

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The ghosts of the supernova machine

Why arms companies cannot create “rifle of the future” Leading manufacturers of weapons not just announced the creation of “rifles of the future”, but for the last 30-40 years, none of the revolutionary concepts did not reach mass production. Action in the conditions of local conflicts and antiterrorist operations call …

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