Home / Incredible / Astronomers showed galaxy, shrouded in a mysterious black cloth

Astronomers showed galaxy, shrouded in a mysterious black cloth

Астрономы показали галактику, окутанную таинственной черной материейIt is believed that the galaxy hides a huge amount of dark matter.

Astronomers using the Hubble space telescope got a picture of the galaxy NGC 24, which is located at a distance of 25 million light years from Earth.

The galaxy was discovered in 1785 by William Herschel, and stretches for 40 thousand light years, according to the website of the telescope.

According to researchers, the galaxy is surrounded by a huge amount of dark matter that is impossible to fix.

Dark matter is a mysterious substance that is invisible, but which manifests itself in the gravitational interaction with other objects.

Астрономы показали галактику, окутанную таинственной черной материей

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