Home / Incredible / Astronomers showed anomalously young stars in the milky Way

Astronomers showed anomalously young stars in the milky Way

Астрономы показали аномально молодые звезды Млечного ПутиThe age of the star is about 11 billion years.

Scientists using a telescope “Hubble” has received the star cluster NGC 362, which is located at a distance of 27 thousand light-years from Earth in the constellation of the Toucan.

As reported on the website of the telescope, just in our galaxy contains about 150 globular clusters but NGC 362 is different from the others.

Globular clusters are close groups of stars that are on the outskirts of the milky Way. The average age of stars in such clusters is about 13 billion years.

Studying the stars in NGC 362, the researchers found that they contain much more hydrogen and helium than stars in other globular clusters.

According to researchers, age of the stars of NGC 362 is approximately 10-11 billion light years, the cluster is younger than its “colleagues”.

Астрономы показали аномально молодые звезды Млечного Пути

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