Home / Incredible / Astronomers have estimated the rate of spread of life in the Universe

Astronomers have estimated the rate of spread of life in the Universe

Астрономы оценили темп распространения жизни во ВселеннойThe spread of life in the Universe was estimated by the astronomers from the Netherlands and the UK.

Astrophysics told me how over the last 4 billion years could develop theoretically existing extraterrestrial intelligent civilization.

According to them, their number in the Universe during this time could become much more.

Since the advent of life on Earth number of other possible civilizations in outer space could increase significantly, scientists say. Positive trends in their emergence and development will remain hundreds of billions of years, barring any changes in the structure of the Universe. The habitability of planets for the last time should increase by 20%, whereas at the time of the birth of the mind we have the number was 2.5%. Astronomers argue that even identified areas where theoretically develop life. This planet, the axis of rotation of which lie close to aging stars.

A collaborative group of scientists from around the world are planning to seek additional confirmation that we are not alone in space. Their studies have restricted the search zone, as the experimenters believe that the search for nuclear galaxies of certain types of the mind while does not make sense.

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