Home / Incredible / Archaeologists have found the lake the ancient skeletons of two lovers

Archaeologists have found the lake the ancient skeletons of two lovers

Археологи нашли на Байкале древние скелеты двух влюбленныхRussian archaeologists have discovered on the shore of lake Baikal the twin burial of men and women.

Scientists have discovered in lake Baikal skeletons of lovers held hands.

Age of found instances is from four to five thousand years.

It is reported that the remains could belong to the old man and his wife or concubine, who lived during the Glazkovo culture of the bronze age. About the man’s lap was a small pouch filled with unusual instruments. Their purpose experts could not figure out.

Also, archaeologists have found two rings, one of which was located in the eye socket of the skeleton, and the second on his chest. Near the remains of a woman lay a 13-inch knife, made from jade.

Bones and skulls have already been transferred to the experts from Canada. They will conduct radiocarbon Dating and studying the DNA of ancient lovers. Thus, the experts will try to establish kinship of the pair.

Археологи нашли на Байкале древние скелеты двух влюбленных

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