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An effective exercise for insomnia

Эффективная гимнастика при бессоннице“Sleepy” gymnastics promotes good sleep.

Sleep disturbance is a common phenomenon in our time. But insomnia is not as harmless as it may seem at first glance.

Besides the fact that it’s exhausting, does not give to work productively, that sleep disorder is one of the precursors of depression, and in some cases – and its symptom.

Insomnia includes difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep with frequent awakenings, early (4 – 5am) rise and the inability to fall back asleep.

Experts in the field of sleep say that to promote good sleep among other things can the ability to relax and, in particular, “sleepy” gymnastics.

1. Several times to shake hands and feet, relieving the day accumulated muscle tension.

2. Watch your face, relax your facial muscles.

3. Go to the mirror and try to obtain the expression of calm and indifference on his face.

4. Tighten all the muscles of the body, slowly count to five and relax. A few seconds, breathe again and repeat the whole cycle of “tension – relaxation”.

5. Leaning on the back of a chair or the edge of the table, stretch, bending at the back. Arching his back arch, slightly tighten your muscles, then relax, stand up straight, hands lower down. Watch your breath. During the subsequent relaxation and stress breathe, and the next time of relaxation – a deep, long exhale.

6. Sit on a chair and on the count of 1 – 2 stretch, leaning back and stretching out his legs. Put your hands up, take a breath. On the count of 3 – 4 bend feet in knees, elbows, slightly tighten your muscles and hold your breath. At the expense of 5 – 10 take a deep exhalation, lower your arms down and place them on the hips so that the brush hanging down between his knees. Put your head down, trying to relax.

7. Sit in a chair, place your left foot on your right knee. Right hand grasp the left ankle, and left foot left foot thus to cover the toes. Relax, breathe slowly and deeply. When inhaling, raise the tongue tip to the sky, when you exhale – lower down. Do the exercise for 1 min Then change the pose: place your right leg over your left knee, etc.

8. Sit comfortably, feet together, relax and close the fingers of both hands: big to thumb, index to index etc., but do not touch the palm of your hand. Sit in this position for 1 min. take a deep breath, thinking about how good you will feel tomorrow morning and how good the rest of your business.

9. Sitting relaxed in the same position, lift both arms up, bending at the elbows. Index fingers easily, without stress, connect with big fingers (are joined together the fingers of the same hand). The remaining three fingers of each hand straight. Soak your hands in this position for 1 min.

10. Lying down with your eyes closed, “look” up as if you want to see the inner surface of your forehead. The probability that after a few seconds you will be asleep.

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