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Facebook has changed the way of displaying popular news

Facebook изменил механизм отображения популярных новостейThe social network did a feature trending more automated.

Social network Facebook has changed the mechanism of the trending function, which selects the most talked about on the network news, making it more automated, the press service of the company.

Now this feature will not require users to leave comments for trending topics.

Facebook expects that the changes will enhance the theme of your news feed and will help attract new users.

The company noted that adopted such measures to reduce the degree of human intervention in the process of creating news feeds and to avoid accusations of bias.

We will remind, in the spring of this year, the portal Gizmodo found that the officers Facebook – Trending Topics, which tracks the most-discussed topics, ignore some popular news.

In turn, the Trending Topics have recognized that the selection of specific news stories and acted subjectively.

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