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You can lose weight with plain water

Похудеть можно с помощью обычной водыIn the implementation of laboratory and clinical experiments, doctors have recorded that the water helps the weak and the strong floor in the process of losing weight.

According to the staff of the University of Illinois located in the United States of America, this liquid helps to reduce the number of fat cells in the body of men and women. Moreover, the use of sufficient water volume reduces the level of sugar in the blood. During the experiments, the doctors noticed that the regular consumption of such liquids has a positive impact on the health of boys and girls.

As it became known, in laboratory tests involved more than 18 thousand respondents. Scientists have thoroughly studied and analyzed the histories of volunteers.

Also, the experts controlled the diet of all participants of the experiments. It turned out that the boys and ladies which are during the day on average drank four cups of plain water, lose weight faster than the others.

The researchers believe that people who regularly use the water, daily 68-205 consume fewer calories than the other girls and guys. Thus, the doctors were able to prove that water helps men and women in the process of weight loss.

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