Home / Medicine / Honey water will help to lose weight and gain energy

Honey water will help to lose weight and gain energy

Медовая вода поможет похудеть и набраться энергииA great tool for a total body honey water.

Drinking warm water with honey helps to relieve from fatigue, eliminate the heaviness in the stomach and intestinal discomfort, as well as to cheer up and to restore the health of the body. Honey activates the body’s defenses and promotes healing and rejuvenation. Amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements contained in honey, the warm water quickly absorbed into the wall of the digestive tract.

Once in the blood, the beneficial components of honey in a few minutes are transported to the different cells of the body. If after drinking a glass of warm honey water, do exercise, then the bulk of the useful components of honey fall into the intestines, cleanse it, normalize the microflora and lead slag. The method allows to prevent the emergence of new fat deposits and regulate the metabolism.

Useful features honey water:

Helps to fight stress, headache and depression.
Removes disorders in the digestive system and colon.
A positive effect on the energy field.
Helps eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, parasites in the digestive tract.
Helps dissolve fecal stones and the digestion of “debris” in the gut.
Strengthens the immune system, helps with colds and bronchitis.
Helps to cleanse the body at the cellular level.
Helps to lose weight.
Restores strength and energy during a period of severe mental and physical stress
Helps to cope with the child’s enuresis. Honey relieves the kidneys and enables the bladder to rest at night.
It has a warming and diaphoretic action.
Prevents sclerosis.
Improves the condition of skin, nails and hair
In external use helps to saturate the skin with nutrients and promotes rejuvenation.

How to make honey water

To make honey water simply. This will take one glass of water at room temperature. Water must be filtered but not boiled (because pachena water is “dead” water, which is stagnant in our body and leads to swelling). Water is added to one teaspoon of honey. Honey you can take any, depending on taste.

But when the inflammatory process is best suited honey with propolis, disorders of the intestines will help the honey with flower pollen and liver diseases using Royal jelly. Use is the only real raw honey, nepaterizovanny. Pasteurization of honey will neutralize all the enzymes. Water should be prepared immediately before use.Depending on the purpose, used honey water in the morning (to keep the body in tone), three times a day before eating (to lose weight), or in the evening, after meals, before going to sleep (relaxing effect).

To improve the effect, you can add in honey water 1 tsp natural Apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice. This is probably the most effective way to get rid of excess weight allow you to lose up to 7 kilogram. The honey will help to decrease your appetite, and citrus contribute to a speedy fat burning. Another recipe of honey water with cinnamon. Cinnamon is known not only for the ability to fat burning, but also for its antiparasitic properties.

Honey water for external use

Those who care about the beauty and freshness of your skin, you should wash honey water in the morning. With regular use, the wrinkles will become less noticeable. To prepare for a cleanser on the basis of fashion, you need to dilute two tablespoons of honey in litre warm water, then add two quarts of hot water. Everything should mix well, and start washing. At the end of the procedure it is advisable to rinse with cool water. Then apply a nourishing cream.

This method promotes vasodilation, intense nutrition of the skin cells of the face and neck, stimulates regeneration processes.

Contraindications to the use of honey water

Honey water is not suitable for those people who have EFTA allergic to honey, diabetes, heart and kidney failure, open sores in the intestines, frequent urination (in this case, you can drink honey water is better only in the morning).It is worth noting that allergic to honey water is a rare phenomenon. Generally, the body perceives this useful drink is extremely beneficial.

Honey water can be used courses, as well as constantly.Drink honey water at least a month, and only then get a persistent health effect.The benefits of the beverage is due not only to composition, in which several hundreds of nutrients, but also a powerful energy potential. Be healthy, fit and beautiful!

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