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Nut diet: rapid weight loss with health benefits

Ореховая диета: быстрое похудение с пользой для здоровьяThis diet will allow you to get at least three pounds in a week.

The middle of autumn, as you know, is not the time for diets.

But to be pretty and slender I want at any time of the year. To lose weight without harm for health will help the walnut diet.

We will tell you about the principles of this diet.

Why the nuts?

Useful properties of nuts due to their valuable composition. Easy-to-digest vegetable protein contains amino acids that are actively involved in metabolic processes. And unsaturated fats of vegetable origin cause accelerated fat burning, which ultimately leads to weight loss.

The nut diet is not a mono-diet, therefore the diet losing weight there will be other delicious foods. While keeping this diet nutritionists advise to include in the menu these types of nuts like walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and almonds.

The types of nut diet

For weight loss nutritionists recommend to arrange fasting days on nuts or diet from 3 to 10 days.

Nut fasting days involve eating 100 grams of nuts a day. It is necessary to monitor drinking water treatment, drinking at least 2 litres of fluid a day.

In diet three day nut diet in addition to nuts include the lean fish, poultry and a small amount of vegetables. But the use of condiments and sauces at this time have to give. The five-day walnut diet involves eating the same foods that and diet, for three days. Except that the menu is updated with low-fat yogurt or yogurt.

As for the ten-day walnut diet, it implies a complete exclusion from the diet of animal protein. They have to replace the plant that are contained in nuts. Your daily diet in this case should consist of a few handfuls of nuts, which are best used separately and in combination with fruits, vegetables and cereals.

The basic principles of weight loss nuts

One of the main principles of losing weight on nuts is the rejection of sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates. Instead, you are allowed to eat dried fruit.

During the observance of the walnut diet you need to eat 4 times a day, this daily intake of nuts is 2 handfuls. Liquid is recommended to drink green, black and herbal tea, compote of dried fruits, as well as coffee in a small amount.

This type of diet it is desirable to combine with exercise. This integrated approach will remove at least three pounds in a week. And your health during weight loss will not be affected.

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