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What would the sky be if people saw the radio waves

Как выглядело бы небо, если бы люди видели радиоволныIn the picture in the beginning of the article you can see the center of the milky way in radiosite.

The article is about a study conducted with the help of the Murchison telescope’s wide steps, published today in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and is a catalog of the images 300 000 galaxies.

The study’s lead author, Dr. Natasha Hurley-Walker, says that this is the first radioizluchenie, which represented the sky in such an amazing range of colors.

“The human eye on the brightness see the three main colors — red, green and blue. Our system sees a GLEAM of sky in each of the 20 primary colors. It’s a lot more of what is capable the human eye, and indeed any creature on Earth.”

The GLEAM project is a large — scale study in high resolution radionava at frequencies from 70 to 230 MHz and the study of waves that traveled in space some billions of years. “Our team used the survey to find out what happens when colliding clusters of galaxies, says Hurley-Walker. We were also able to see traces of explosions of the most ancient stars in our galaxy and to find the first and last tracks of supermassive black holes”.

In the pictures you can see the center of the milky way in radiosite. Red indicates the lowest frequency, green for medium and blue for high. Each point on the photograph is a galaxy. Below shows the sky over by the Murchison telescope.

Как выглядело бы небо, если бы люди видели радиоволны

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