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Swelling of the feet: main causes and methods of treatment

Отеки ног: основные причины и методы леченияHow to remove swelling and foot fatigue.

Experts told how to simply and effectively remove puffiness and tired legs.

After all, with such symptoms it is important to understand in time to prevent the development of serious diseases.

Why is there swelling in the legs

Swelling are different. Someone is faced with a swollen face and bags under the eyes, and someone with a strong swelling of the legs. Previously it was thought that this problem only affects women over 45. Indeed, with age it happens more often. But this does not mean that the feet never swell from girls in 20 years because it is not the years are the main cause of fluid retention.

Causes of fatigue and swelling in the legs

Prolonged strain. Standing work, a long flight and a sedentary lifestyle often cause swelling in the legs. This goes pretty quickly — you just need to stretch and change posture.

Kidney disease. In this case, in addition to swelling, you will likely notice pain in the lower back. It’s time to see a nephrologist, who will tell you how to treat swelling of the legs, put in order the kidneys.

Heart disease. Such swelling of the legs usually begin in the evening and pass by the morning. Swollen feet entirely and become quite cold to the touch. If you have swelling of the legs from ankles to thighs, be sure to check heart.

Menstruation. Usually have swelling on the foot and lower leg. This happens in the second half of the cycle, before menstruation.

Pregnancy. In the later stages of pregnancy is often swollen feet and ankles. Wear comfortable shoes and consult with a gynecologist to reduce the discomfort.

Problems with the veins. Swollen feet, especially coupled with the appearance of spider veins can signal the start of varicose veins.

How to remove swelling in the legs at home

To understand how to treat swelling of the legs, it is important to understand the reason. For example, as already mentioned, if the symptom is associated with kidney disease need to treat kidney so that his legs ceased to swell.

If the problem is bothering you just before menstruation, during pregnancy or long flights, there are several ways how to remove swelling in the legs at home and feel better.

First, it is a special creams and gels that stimulate blood flow and eliminate stagnation of fluid. Second, many great compression tights and stockings. They are recommended especially those who do a lot of standing at work. Thirdly, the answer to the question of how to remove swelling in the legs, tell the sports — swimming and water aerobics, and walking and Jogging help prevent permanent swelling. Fourth, to cope with any swelling help correct food, reducing the amount of salt in the diet and 2 litres of clean water per day.

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