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Foot odor: the TOP 16 ways to compete with him

Запах ног: ТОП-16 способов с ним поборотьсяThe problem of unpleasant foot odor is very common.

How to get rid of foot odor? For this there are many effective means, and many of them do not have to spend money – they will be in your kitchen.

The problem that needs to be solved

From two to three million sweat glands located in the human body, about half a million is on the feet. This increased activity of the sweat glands and leads to an unpleasant foot odor. Why are the feet so many of them? According to scientists, this is due to the fact that ancient man (and, of course, his ancestors-primates) walked and ran a lot more than modern people, and often he had to walk on hot ground (the first people known to have appeared in the African heat). Such a large number of sweat glands is necessary in order that the feet could be cooled faster.

Feet can sweating profusely, not only because of physical exertion, but also due to some diseases (e.g., hyperthyroidism) or severe stress.

Odours occur when living on the skin of the feet, the bacteria break down the sweat. These bacteria can also settle in the shoes of a person; they continue to multiply even when you take off the shoes – especially if you keep it dark and warm place. In addition, foot odor can be a sign of certain fungal infections such as athlete’s foot.


Observance of rules of personal hygiene – the most important recommendation for those who want to get rid of unpleasant foot odor. Of course, any man’s feet should be washed every day, and those who have foot odor particularly strong, better to do it twice a day.

It is not recommended to wear two days in a row the same pair of shoes. The fact that the Shoe, on average, it takes 24 hours to dry completely. In dry environment the bacteria causing an unpleasant smell, can not reproduce.

Definitely for every day wear clean socks. Buy socks made of natural fabrics – wool or cotton: they absorb moisture well. Socks made of nylon and other synthetic materials can be worn during workouts – these fabrics wick moisture away from the body, which is very important during intense physical exertion.

After showering or bathing be sure to dry your feet with a towel and then wipe the space between the toes with a piece of cotton soaked in medical alcohol or Cologne.

Apply foot deodorant or antiperspirant. Not necessary to buy special deodorants for the feet – the usual deodorant is less effective and costs less.

Wear shoes of leather or fabric – it breathes better foot than in shoes made of artificial materials.
In the summer wearing sandals or open – toe shoes in which his feet sweat less and less of an unpleasant smell.

Home at least a few hours a day go barefoot or in Slippers, dressed in bare feet.

With a very strong foot odor, you can wash your feet with antibacterial soap and/or wipe them with an antiseptic lotion.

Drinking soda

Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda is a great way to combat foot odor; it neutralizes the pH of sweat and limits the growth of bacteria whose livelihoods is one of the causes of bad body odour. Pour the baking soda in warm water (one tablespoon to two quarts of water), and keep your feet in this water for 15-20 minutes. Take these trays every night for one week. After this foot odor usually practically disappears, and then the bath can be done once or twice a week, for prevention.

Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil not only has pleasant aroma, but also antibacterial and antifungal properties. Just add a few drops of lavender essential oil in a foot bath. The results will be noticeable after a couple of weeks. In addition, a small amount of oil can also be added to cream.


Magnesia, also known as Epsom salt, has antibacterial action, and neutralizes foot odor. In addition, the bath of magnesia help with pain in my feet.

Add the warm water Epsom salt (about one tablespoon to 1.5 l of water), and within 10-15 minutes keep your feet in the water. It is best to do this bath before you sleep, then for several hours you don’t have to wear socks and shoes, and salt during this time will have an impact on the skin of the feet.


To get rid of foot odor is possible using simple means.


Alum is a good antiseptic and astringent means. They inhibit the growth of bacteria that live on the skin of the feet, and thus eliminate the odor.

Mix one teaspoon of alum with a Cup of warm water, and rinse with this solution legs. After 15-20 minutes, wipe your feet dry, and pour on the feet of a little alum. Do this every day.

Black tea

Black tea contains tannins which destroy bacteria that cause foot odor. Over time, these substances can also reduce the activity of sweat glands. Pour two teaspoons of black tea or two tea bags in hot water. After five or ten minutes strain the tea and pour it into the basin. Pour on more hot water, and within 10-15 minutes and take bath for the feet.

For one week these trays should be done daily, once or twice a day, then do them as a preventive measure, usually a couple times a week.


The vinegar creates an acidic environment in which bacteria living on the skin of the feet, die. Foot baths can be done with any vinegar, but it is better suited for this Apple cider vinegar.

Mix in a bowl (0.3-0.5 cups of vinegar and add 6-8 cups of hot water. Take the bath for 10-15 minutes. Then wash feet with soap and water to remove the smell of vinegar.


Borax, or sodium tetraborate is an effective disinfectant. Mix half a Cup of borax, the same amount of vinegar and two cups water. Squirt this solution up your shoes from the inside. Instead, you can just pour a small amount of borax in a shoes.

Sugar scrub

To get rid of foot odor, it’s important to regularly remove the skin of the feet dead skin cells. To prepare an effective homemade scrub against foot odor, mix sugar and water with isopropyl alcohol (5:1) to make a thick paste (liquid should not be too much, otherwise the sugar will dissolve in it). Apply scrub to feet and within 5-10 minutes massage the feet. Use this remedy three to four times a week. Especially scrub will effectively remove dead skin cells, if you use it after the hot foot bath.


Sage normalizes the sweat glands and also has antibacterial and antifungal action. Prepare a decoction of sage, one tablespoon dried and crushed herb to a Cup of boiling water for 10-15 minutes) in a basin and mix it with hot water. Keep feet in water for 15-20 minutes. To eliminate the unpleasant smell of shoes, it is possible for a few hours to put in a little dried sage.


Ginger contains substances that have antibacterial properties; it also is an effective way to eliminate toxins.

Cut into small pieces ginger root one medium size, fill it with boiling water and steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain the ginger product, and pour it into a basin with hot water. Immerse feet in water for 10-15 minutes.

A decoction of ginger you can also wipe the feet once or twice a day.


Talc removes from the skin the moisture and prevents odor. Apply a little talcum powder on your feet before putting on shoes.

Corn starch

Corn starch also acts as talc. It can also be applied to feet to prevent foot odor throughout the day.

Green tea

Green tea is a good antiseptic and astringent. Pour a Cup of boiling water over two to three teaspoons of green tea, and let steep for five minutes. Then strain the decoction, and add it to a basin of water. Take bath with green tea at least ten minutes, three to four times a week.


Put some ground cloves in the shoes is for a long time will prevent foot odor. A decoction of clove can also be added to foot baths.

Tea tree oil

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a fat cream or vegetable oil (e.g., olive or almond oil) and RUB this mixture into the skin of the feet morning and evening. Instead, you can use makeup containing tea tree oil. This oil kills the microorganisms that cause infections of the foot, and effectively fights bad breath.

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