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What foods can be eaten at night

Какие продукты можно есть на ночьTOP 5 foods that are safe to eat for the night.

Do not eat after six – a rule which simply must be obeyed by all weight watchers.

So considered, what really is? Most of us at best falls in the evening to the table around seven or eight, dinner after a long day of work is dense and hearty – so as not to feel hunger, going to bed.

Yes, we remember that dinner should be the least calories among all of the meals, it should be easy to digest, not to interfere with restful sleep and not to settle on the belly and hips extra pounds.

So what can you eat on a night that was not painfully greasy and heavy but on the contrary, useful, easy and quite satisfying? Nutritionists have identified five products that purpose just fine.

1. Buckwheat on the water without butter is a good source of slow carbohydrates that give a feeling of satiety. However, it is not only easy to digest but also very useful due to its content of b vitamins and iron.

2. Steamed or boiled vegetables, e.g. zucchini, which are perfectly digested, have low calories, rich in vitamins and minerals (e.g., potassium), and due to the high content of dietary fibers create the illusion of satiation.

3. Boiled or baked meat chicken or Turkey high-quality protein gives a feeling of satiety, thus lean meat will not harm the figure. The main thing – not Vicariate the chicken in oil, and don’t combine with carbohydrates. Bunch of lettuce for meat – great company.

4. Boiled or baked in foil fish low-fat varieties (cod, perch, Pollock, hake, Pollack, etc.). In the same way as meat, fish gives us a feeling of satiety, is well absorbed and does not harm the figure. And still contain useful for our body the unsaturated fatty acids.

5. Dairy products low fat (up to 2 – 2.5%). Cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, natural yoghurt – recognized leaders in wholesome meals in the evenings.

Dairy products contain large amounts of protein and calcium, beneficial to the gastro-intestinal tract microorganisms, they are easy to digest, well saturated and downright stand guard slim figure.

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