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These foods can be eaten at night

Эти продукты можно есть на ночьWant to be slim? Then in any case do not give up your dinner! There is a list of foods that can and should be there for the night.

The notorious fact – metabolic processes night drop. But not shut down completely! Work in the body is constant. By evening the rate of metabolism is at 30 %, not more.

Those calories that you eat for dinner, go to the maintenance activity of your body. Moreover, the ingredients for dinner should not only give a feeling of satiety but provide the body with all necessary for night work substances. And he is working primarily on the formation of hormones. Night increases the synthesis of growth hormone, contributing to the restoration of the skin, and melatonin, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Also during sleep enough actively dividing cells of the skin, hair and nails.
Calorie ideal dinner should be no more than 300 calories. Moreover, it should be composed of a combination of proteins and carbohydrates. Protein – a satiety, carbohydrates – fuel, which burn fats. What are the foods you can eat without harm for a figure tonight?
Foods that can be eaten at night without fear of unnecessary weight:

1. White meat poultry.

Steamed, baked, grilled, in a double boiler or a slow cooker Turkey breast or chicken is the best protein source for dinner. It is important that during heat treatment you did not use butter – it increases the calorie content of meals by 30-40%. White meat should have about 200 calories from the total calories evening meal is about 125 g chicken or Turkey.

2. Marine fish.

From the point of view of assimilation, this product will give odds to poultry. On the digestion of fish will take about 3 hours not more. Unlike freshwater inhabitants, the sea is rich in minerals that are necessary for the synthesis of skin proteins – collagen and elastin.

3. Squid.

The version of the diet of seafood, which is not only a valuable source of protein, but also contains a lot of iodine. This microelement is necessary for normal activity of the thyroid gland, which maintains a certain speed of metabolism.

4. Eggs.

Traditional morning product can become the basis for making hearty, healthy dinner, for example, fritata with vegetables. Chicken protein balanced by amino acid composition, which means that the body gets all the necessary for the synthesis of hormones.

5. Lentils.

And a great source of protein and complex carbohydrates. Bean dinner can be recommended for vegetarians – lentils, in particular, essential amino acids. And combining it with chickpeas you can get for one meal complete set of amino acids without eating animal products. For dinner it is better to choose black lentils – it prepares quickly just 5 minutes.

6. Potatoes.

This seemingly far from diet vegetable, can be a great side dish to meat, if properly prepared. Cook it in uniform (but not until fully cooked – it should remain slightly damp) and leave the lid on for two hours. As a result, the starch in potatoes to turn into prebiotic – food for beneficial bacteria living in the gut. Potatoes should account for 100 kcal of the total caloric intake is about 90 g.

7. Green vegetables.

All types of lettuce, cucumbers, Bulgarian pepper – low-calorie sources of complex carbohydrates and water-soluble vitamins. The latter is necessary for the formation of skin cells, which aktiviziruyutsya night. In order to provide the body with energy to maintain a night of metabolism, you need to eat enough of this salad is about 200-250 g. Therefore, it is best to combine fresh green vegetables with a couple tablespoons of whole-grain cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa).

8. Linseed.

Valuable source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids which are necessary for the synthesis of the skin cells (in particular, their membranes – membranes). You can sprinkle flax seed salad or meat. Just 1 teaspoon of this product will cover one-third of the daily requirement of omega.

9. Cheese.

Those who suffer from intolerance to cow’s milk proteins, it is possible to recommend low-fat cheese, alternatively a light dinner. It is important to note that in its raw form, this product gives a feeling of satiety for 1.5-2 hours. If to cook him a casserole or cheesecakes, the feeling of saturation will last up to 4 hours.

10. Green sour apples.

For dinner, the apples are better for baking – fruit acids that they contain stimulate the appetite. These fruits can become an original side dish to meat or low-calorie dessert. An added bonus of this apples – their main component, a water-soluble fiber (pectin) is “food” for the bacteria, the beneficial intestinal microflora.

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