Home / Medicine / Varicose veins in the legs – who is at risk

Varicose veins in the legs – who is at risk

Варикозное расширение вен в ногах - кто в группе риска Previously it was thought that varicose veins is a problem of men, then women, and now anyone can be at risk.

Public opinion consists in the fact that varicose veins are not so scary for human life, is erroneous. Purple and blue veins on the legs indicate this disease as varicose veins. It is a disease of the blood vessels, so it is illogical to self-medicate or not to pay attention to it.

Who potentially are at risk:

1. People who lead an unhealthy lifestyle and abuse addictions.

2. Immobilized and those who almost forgot what exercise.

3. Being overweight or obese. The load on the legs increases with each extra kilogram.

4. Malnutrition and lack of vitamins not only contribute to the onset of weight problems, but health in General.

5. Office workers who are forced to sit most of the working day in the same position.

6. Those who select shoes with too narrow toes, high heels without arch support, which negatively affects the feet, the risk to get varicose veins.

7. Long wearing socks, Golf, and other clothing that not just fits the foot, and squeezes her undesirable.

Who should seek help from a doctor:

1. Those who every night, coming home from work feels heaviness in the legs and cannot get rid of it yourself.

2. If people several days in a row feels pain in the legs and feet.

3. In the case when the feet have become severely swollen, and the day before people did not eat anything forbidden, it would affect the withdrawal of fluid from the body, then there is a reason for going to the clinic.

4. If the legs appeared bluish and purple veins or spider veins swollen veins.

5. Cramps in the legs, repeated regularly, should cause a person to go to the doctor.

Doctors often recommended to take care of your feet, making therapeutic baths and massages, if you can not wear “proper shoes”. After work should be at least 15 minutes to sit in a chair or on the couch, lifting her legs up. Those people who lead a sedentary life, should make to your usual routine some adjustments, for example, start doing morning exercises or go out for an evening hour-long walk. Should reconsider the way of food, eliminating harmful foods from the diet.

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