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Prevention of varicose veins and its complications

Профилактика варикоза и его осложнений The basic rules of prevention.

Unfortunately, these days varicose veins are much “younger”. However, medicine is also not standing still, and now there are many effective methods of combating this disease. It is important to know a few simple rules that will help to cope with existing problems and avoid potential complications.

Rule # 1. To remember about risk groups

As is the case with many other diseases, in the treatment of varicose veins a very important role is played by the timely diagnosis. If you identify the disease at an early stage, to cope with it much easier. It is therefore particularly attentive to its health needs to be those who are part of risk groups.

Some people suffer from varicose veins and others do not. Here an important role has hereditary predisposition, which is available in 60-80% of patients with varicose veins. If your relatives (primarily parents) have problems with the veins, then it is very likely that this disease will face you. So, scientists have determined that if the child has both father and mother suffer from varicose veins, then the probability that he is in adulthood, too, will face this problem, more than 80 %. It is clear that such people need to very carefully monitor their health.

Another group of risk — sitting or standing work. When the feet are constantly in the fixed (particularly vertical) position, the veins are difficult to deal with the constant hydrostatic pressure, causing stagnation of blood in the lower extremities that can lead to the development of varicose veins. Unfortunately, in this risk group are representatives of almost all the urban professions: from sellers and drivers to managers and bankers.

For women important risk factor is pregnancy. Due to the additional weight of the child, dramatically increasing the load on the legs.

Very often, problems with the veins occur in those who have excess weight, as well as in people whose work involves heavy physical load (from the loader to weightlifters).

When a person sits or stands on his feet account for only static load are extremely harmful for veins. But the dynamic load (when a person walks or runs), is very important. It is no coincidence that the UIP is even called the calf muscles the “peripheral heart” because, working, they contribute to the outflow of blood from the lower extremities. It is therefore recommended to have walks more often. During pregnancy it is recommended that women come for a consultation with a phlebologist twice: early and late-term. Advice on the correct lifestyle and the correct compression stockings to avoid varicose veins in pregnant women.

Rule # 2. Prevention is better than cure

Unfortunately, the risk of getting varicose veins inherent in man by nature. Man walks on two legs, not four, so the blood from the lower limbs has to ascend to a considerable height, overcoming the force of gravity.

It is no coincidence that the varicose veins is called “payment for bipedalism”. When varicose veins are damaged and lose their elasticity, causing the diameter of blood vessels increases. This, in turn, leads to stagnation of blood and impaired nutrition of the tissues.

But the man can take care of your health, not waiting for the development of the disease. The best prevention of varicose veins are regular dynamic loads on the leg muscles. Greater support brings the body walking, running, swimming, Cycling. Experts note that it is especially useful to climb the stairs. In short, the more work your legs, the less chance that there will be problems with the veins.

Great importance for the prevention of varicose veins is compression stockings.

Special stockings and tights, providing external pressure on the veins, improve the blood circulation in the lower limbs, facilitate the work of the veins and the muscle pump, reduce the load on the heart, prevent fatigue, pain and swelling of the legs. However, you should consider two things: first, you should only use high-quality compression stockings, and secondly, to find it needs a specialist. If it is wrong to choose the level of compression, this lingerie can do more harm than good.

Rule # 3. Timely diagnosis

Many believe that by the end of the day, fatigue, pain in the legs, swelling is a normal phenomenon. Doctors say that it is not. If such phenomena do not occur after excessive exercise, and regular at the end of the normal working day, it’s time to sound the alarm. It is possible that these are the first symptoms of incipient problems with the blood supply of the lower extremities.

If in addition to the leg spider veins or blue veins blood vessels, you should plan a visit to the phlebologist.

Some people just don’t pay attention to “little things” and start to worry only when the disease moves to the next stage: swelling become persistent in nature, there are pain and convulsions begin to bulge noticeably large vessels. Additional symptoms can be light and trophic disorders of the skin on the legs: dark spots, peeling, dryness. That is, due to illness, the problem starts with the nourishment of the tissues, and, therefore, the doctor needs to address immediately.

Some patients who do not want to go to the doctor, the disease may enter the last stage, when appear on the skin sores. This is an indication that the disease is extremely started and the treatment will be very long and complicated. Of course, to this state’s feet to bring impossible in any case. The sooner you contact a professional phlebologist with their problems, the better for you.

The main goal of the phlebologist to identify the disease at an early stage. If you see that on your legs there are veins or blue streams of blood vessels, it is better not to wait for new symptoms, and go for a consultation with a professional phlebologist. Even if the fears will be in vain, it is better to err.

Rule # 4. Not to self-medicate

For life to protect yourself from varicose veins impossible, even if you actively engage in prevention. While doctors can’t do anything with hereditary predisposition to this disease, although with the development of genetics, the situation may change. However, now in the Arsenal of the professional phlebologists a lot of methods to effectively deal with varicose veins. By the way, getting rid of this disease has not only medical but also cosmetic value, because female feet, disfigured and swollen veins, varicose nodes, do not look attractive.

However, many people who have varicose veins, under false pretexts refuse to go to the doctor and try to self-treat. Someone cuts out traditional recipes from Newspapers, someone watching the ads, buys the creams and ointments that promise “easy feet”. Most of the “folk remedies” against varicose veins has a low efficiency, but venotonizirutee drugs in the form of ointments or tablets, use in their practice and professional doctors. They cannot cure varicose veins, but they have a big plus — reduce patient discomfort. However, to pick up their specialist needs, taking into account individual peculiarities of each patient.

Rule # 5. Treatment contact the professionals

The main task facing the phlebology dealing with varicose veins is to restore normal blood flow in the lower extremities. In the early stages of the disease, you can do without surgical intervention, use of quality, properly sized compression hosiery combined with courses venotonic drugs allows you to quickly improve the patient’s condition and stop the progression of the disease.

In more advanced cases require surgery, surgeon-phlebologist removes damaged broken veins, after which there is a gradual redistribution of venous blood in the intact subcutaneous veins and deeper veins. Currently increasingly popular is sclerotherapy — non-surgical method of treatment of varicose veins when the affected vein is cut, and through a series of injections administered to them a special drug that seems to “stick” diseased veins, so that over time they just disappear. This is a painless procedure, after which leaves no scars, however it is not suitable for all patients. In any case, to decide on a particular method of treatment should physician.

In modern medicine the diagnosis often is better than cure, but sometimes they go hand in hand. For example, the use of diagnostic ultrasound allows you to clearly determine exactly which veins need to be removed to the intervention was minimal. And after two weeks after surgery, the patient returns to normal lifestyle.

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