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Named the most effective ways of treating varicose veins

Названы самые эффективные способы лечения варикоза Varicose veins is a very common problem.

With varicose veins has to face both women and men: introduction to this unpleasant disease, of course, you can delay even when there is a predisposition to it, but if you avoid varicose veins could not account for is the prevention of engaged in treatment.

I have to say: miracle ways to get rid of varicose veins does not exist, patients have to tune in to quite a complex and long treatment. Very often doctors phlebologists recommend their patients to adjust lifestyle to stop the progression of the disease and prevent possible complications, such as thrombophlebitis.

The strategy of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, and also from financial possibilities of the patient, presence of contraindications to certain interventions and other objective factors. In the early stages of the patient’s condition to improve with conservative therapy:
wearing special compression underwear;
medication and the use of external funds;
gymnastics and massage in combination with a contrast shower.
The number of drugs prescribed for the treatment of varicose veins, includes funds with angioprotective, anti-inflammatory and phlebotonics action. They help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and return through the veins tone. In addition, for the prevention of blood clots your doctor may prescribe anticoagulants (Fraxiparine, heparin, etc.).

To eliminate swelling, use of special creams and gels for local action.
The combination of correctly chosen drugs allows for 3-4 weeks to achieve a significant improvement of the patient’s condition, to restore venous blood flow and minimize discomfort.

Compression underwear for varicose veins

Wearing compression underwear requires a doctor who knows how to treat varicose veins at some stage of the disease. To pick their own type of compression underwear is difficult because there are several levels of so-called elastic compression:

prophylactic (pressure D0 18 mm Hg.St. and is recommended for the prevention of varicose veins in athletes, pregnant women and others at risk of development categories of the population, and also used in the very early stages of the disease);
treatment (pressure to 49 mm Hg.St. and is used for conservative therapy of varicose veins);

– hospital (used after surgery, and minimally invasive procedures, prevents blood clots and increases the effectiveness of manufactured treatment).

Wrong compression (and it can be as stockings and socks, and they look virtually indistinguishable from normal underwear and can be of any density and color) can only aggravate the situation with the vessels, so do not ignore doctor’s orders! Antivarikozny knit for several months does not lose its medicinal qualities.

Treatment of varicose veins laser

In the later stages of disease development apply other, more serious and effective methods of influence on the deformed veins: sclerotherapy (vein occlusion special material), radiofrequency or laser treatment, as well as penectomy (removal of the damaged veins).

Laser treatment is the fastest and most painless treatment and in 98% of cases allows to achieve a positive result. Obliteration (bonding) of the affected vein is performed ambulatory and does not require General anesthesia. Maloinvazivnogo and availability of this method has made it extremely popular. With regard to contraindications, they are a bit (a method suitable for more than 70% of patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities) and provides good results comparable to surgical intervention.

Folk treatment of varicose veins

Since varicose veins is a common disease, people had to develop many strategies for its treatment. Blood thinning and prevention tromboobrazovania successfully used hirudotherapy — treatment of medical leeches (how to be treated with leeches, you know girudoterapii specializing in the correction of venous stasis and thrombophlebitis).

Used the infusion of hop cones: several large cones pour a glass of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, and then take half an hour before meals (at least one glass a day).

Even more noticeable is the impact of horse chestnut infusion: 50 g of chestnut flowers pour 500 ml of alcohol, then insist in a dark place for 2 weeks shaking every day bottle. Ready infusion filter and take three times a day before meals for 1 tablespoon with water. The course of treatment — 1 week, followed by a break for 2 weeks and repeat the course. Remember, any folk remedies should be used only after consulting a doctor!

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