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Useful and harmful foods for sleep

Полезные и вредные продукты для снаNormal sleep is the key to human health, however not every one of us can boast that his night’s rest is perfect.

Insomnia at different times of life hurts every human, however, recently American scientists have compiled a list of foods that are the best and the worst assistants in the organisation of a normal night’s rest.

1. Almonds and walnuts

These nuts contain a lot of tryptophan, magnesium and melatonin – a powerful trio that is known, ideal for those who need a natural sleeping pill. Experts note that it is best to eat a handful of nuts for an hour or so before bedtime.

2. Grapefruit.

This is one of the foods that people should avoid in terms of eating before bedtime as it contains acid. As a result, the grapefruit increase the acidity of the stomach, leading to heartburn and sleep at night. Equally it is better to stay away from any juice from citrus.

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is often part of Breakfast, most people eat it only in the morning, however, a number of recent studies have demonstrated that in fact there are many benefits from eating oatmeal before going to bed. Oatmeal is rich in such nutrients as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, which support healthy sleep.

4. Celery.

Celery is very useful, but not for sleeping. The thing is that this vegetable has a strong diuretic effect, and if You don’t want to Wake up for trekking to the bathroom in the middle of the night, from its use, as well as consumption of parsley and ginger (for the same reason) should be abandoned.

5. Pie cherry and raspberry.

Raspberries and cherries contain melatonin, which is very useful to ensure sleep. It is important to consume these berries along with a certain amount of carbohydrates, because this way You will ensure better absorption of melatonin.

6. Fatty and fried foods.

If You like a late dinner with the addition of fatty and fried foods, you should know that You make my stomach at night when he needs to rest, to work hard. The stomach also hits back and says the same heartburn, sending brain impulses that violate the night sleep of the person.

7. Bananas

Bananas contain lots of magnesium and potassium. They also contain tryptophan, which is an important amino acid, useful properties of which to ensure a favourable human sleep has been known since ancient times.

8. Spicy food

Similar to a number of the cases listed Above spicy foods may cause heartburn, which will undermine Your state of sleep.

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