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Effective treatment of heartburn folk remedies

Эффективное лечение изжоги народными средствамиHow to get rid of heartburn: medical water and grass.

Heartburn – a burning sensation behind the breastbone, along the esophagus, sometimes quite painful and persistent. It is the result of reflux of acid stomach contents into the esophagus.

Typically, heartburn appears after 30 – 60 min after a meal, sometimes on an empty stomach.

It often happens in the acidity of the stomach, but can also occur in patients with atrophic gastritis with reduced secretion of gastric juice, when irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the organic acids formed in the stomach in case of violation of processes of digestion and bile throw from the gallbladder into the duodenum, and then into the stomach and esophagus.

Sometimes heartburn can disturb the healthy people with the wrong diet, abuse of spicy seasonings, after a fatty meal, alcohol (particularly wine). In some cases, heartburn can cause acidic fruits (apples, lemon), yogurt, black bread, and overeating. Retrosternal burning can occur suddenly when lifting weights, when sharply intra-abdominal pressure increases and it becomes possible reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus.

It is important to analyze your feelings. Your detailed account will help the doctor make a correct diagnosis. Need to find out if there is heartburn after eating salty, spicy or sweet dishes or also called fatty and fried food. If heartburn is associated with food watch, which appears immediately after a meal or after a while, does it happen on an empty stomach. Provokes the heartburn and abdominal pain physical activity or a specific position of the body: on the right side, on the back.

Remember that helps you to remove burning: whether the solution of baking soda or any antacid (antacid) means milk, some food or some medications.

Try not be removed if heartburn and pain taking of validol or drops Votchala. It is important to distinguish heartburn diseases of the digestive system and burning, which may occur in cardiovascular disease (e.g. angina).

The doctor will first rule out heart disease and to further examine the gastrointestinal tract. The most informative are: x-ray examination of the stomach and duodenum, endoscopy using special instruments with fiber optics and a study of gastric acidity. It is important to conduct these surveys all, how to treat the patient only comprehensively evaluating the results obtained, said Mikhail Gurvich in the book “the Big book about nutrition for health”.

For example, often cause of heartburn is hiatal hernia of the diaphragm that can only be detected with special x-ray examination. If you are going to perform some not very complicated recommendation, the discomfort when the disease will quickly.

It is important to follow the diet: eat 5 to 6 times a day, but gradually, preventing overflow of the stomach. After a meal do not immediately lie down. Like, wait, at least sit for 30 – 40 min to Prevent reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus should the correct body position during sleep. Purchase a bed with a raised headboard, or under the second pillow.

Eliminate from the diet foods that contribute to flatulence (excessive gas): milk, rye bread, peas, cabbage. Limit fried foods, strong meat and fish broths, spices, leading to increased gastric secretion.

Care for the prevention of constipation, to the extent possible encourage regular bowel function.

The most common cause of persistent heartburn are chronic gastritis or peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum. These diseases in most cases occur against a backdrop of increased acidity of gastric juice. And then the struggle with heartburn aimed at neutralizing the excess hydrochloric acid formed in the stomach.

There are many medicines, the so-called antacids that reduce the acidity and eliminate heartburn. The simplest and well-known method to eliminate heartburn – drinking soda (1/2 teaspoon per glass of warm water) to quickly ease your condition. However, prolonged and repeated use of soda, and especially the reception is not in the solution, and with the tip of knife or teaspoon, can lead to undesirable complications: headache, weakness, vomiting. It tells about the overdosing of soda and the alkalinisation of the body, the so-called alkalosis. However infrequent the use of a solution of baking soda can be resolved.

To suppress the acidity of gastric juice directed treatment with mineral waters.

While heartburn can recommend sodium bicarbonate water (also called alkaline) and hydrocarbonate sulfate waters.

Drinking alkaline mineral water is recommended to start with small quantities (50 – 100 ml of warm (38 – 40°C), and provided good endurance already on the 3rd – 4th day “” drinking of the treatment to take up to 1 Cup (250 ml) of water at the reception.

Treatment is usually performed in compliance with the traditional principles, i.e., by a single of the techniques of mineral water for 1 hour before main meal. However, complaints of heartburn, the alkalizing water intake can be timed to the time of the alleged occurrence of heartburn, i.e. some time after a meal.

Good results in chronic disease treatment brings herbs. Try to practice one of the following recipes:

– mix equal parts of celandine grass, yarrow, chamomile flowers, St. John’s wort, licorice root, 10 g of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew, strain. Drink 1 Cup 2 – 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals;

– mix 1 part licorice root 4 parts chamomile, 3 parts calendula, 1 part centaury. One tablespoon collection pour 150 ml of water. Slowly bring to a boil, cool. Take before meals 3 – 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 – 4 weeks.

10 g licorice, 6 g of orange peel to brew 400 ml of water. Evaporate to half. Add 60 g of honey, take during the day in 3 divided doses before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

One of the extant medical funds: at the onset retrosternal burning sensation between meals, slowly chewing 5 – 6 grains of oats or barley until a homogeneous lump. Gradually the saliva to swallow, and a lump of spit.

There is easily doable, and pretty effective recipe for the treatment of gastritis and heartburn, respectively. Within 2 – 3 weeks 3 – 4 times a day for 15 – 20 minutes prior to meal to drink 50 to 70 ml of fresh potato juice.

At night the heartburn before bed you can take 100 – 150 ml of infusion of flax seed (2 tbsp. spoon medicinal raw materials brewed 0.5 liters of water).

Sometimes heartburn may also occur in chronic atrophic gastritis, i.e. at low acidity of gastric juice. In this case, treatment should be aimed not at neutralizing acid, and improve digestion, prevent the casting of bile into the stomach and esophagus.

In drugs charges at low pH it is desirable to include plantain, improving the secretion stomach:

– mix 2 grams of the following ingredients: plantain leaf, marshmallow root, marjoram, St. John’s wort, caraway fruit. Collection pour 250 ml of water, boil 15 minutes, Take 2 tbsp. spoon 4 – 5 times a day for 15 – 20 minutes before eating;

– 1 part St. John’s wort, 4 parts lemon balm 3 parts plantain leaves 2 parts fresh nettle, 2 parts oregano. One tablespoon collection pour 150 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse in a thermos. Take the same way as the previous collection.

But none of the treatments or individual remedy will not yield any sustainable good result unless you adhere to proper diet and nutrition.

It is important to avoid long breaks between meals, eating at certain times, at least 4 times a day, slowly chewing food. Proper nutrition contributes to the rhythmic activity of the digestive system and is an integral part of the treatment process.

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