Home / Incredible / Under the ice of Antarctica, scientists discovered a unique bacterium

Under the ice of Antarctica, scientists discovered a unique bacterium

Подо льдом Антарктиды ученые обнаружили уникальную бактериюThe lake is located at a depth of 4 kilometers beneath the ice, found a new species of bacteria.

The scientific staff of the laboratory of cryostability of St. Petersburg University were able to detect a subglacial lake of Antarctica, an unknown bacterium.

Experts said that from the point of view of genetics it is absolutely unique.

Scientists have found the bacterium in the territory of the subglacial lake Vostok, located in Antarctica. It was able to detect during a surface exploration drilling on the crown of the water. Experts have called the unknown microorganism “В123-10”. It is worth noting that despite genetic uniqueness, the bacterium has 86% similarity with previously known organisms.

The research staff of St. Petersburg University draw attention to the fact that the very ice of the lake is special, because the East is the only earthly analogue of the oceans on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. The researchers will continue to explore the unknown bacterium.

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