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Turtles have discovered a unique ability

У черепах обнаружили уникальные способностиScientists have shown that turtles are capable of learning.

Turtles are capable of learning. The results of the relevant research involving animals published data portal Discover24.

According to the publication, the researchers decided to test the learning ability of the turtles.

They created a maze in the shape of a slingshot out of two adjoining walls, between which laid the food. In order to get food, we just had to get the wall. The experiment involved four turtles.

Each of them had 12 attempts, but none of them with the task failed. Then the specialists decided to teach the turtles how to overcome this obstacle, and it yielded some fruit – all of them cope with the job after several demonstrations of classroom.

However, when the location of the construction symmetrically changed, the animals are once again defeated. This suggests that turtles overcome obstacles mechanically, however, some learning abilities they still have.

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