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Transgender, homosexuals, and criminal medicine

Трансгендеры, гомосексуалисты и преступная медицина Novelist and columnist Dmitry Kosyrev thinks about the future of tolerance towards sexual minorities based on the results of a new us study, according to which protection of homosexuality and transgenderism goes contrary to scientific facts. Sometimes my thoughts about tobacco suddenly relate that to the anti-Smoking campaign are not relevant — like. And have actually, because it shows us the mechanics of mass violence against people in someone’s monetary interests, particularly in the medical field.

That is the way America has bullied and mocked by smokers, comes with other groups of people. Lies (i.e., falsification), public pressure, the use of governments and international organizations — and ultimately money.

In this case it is about sexual minorities and how they make money.The issue is not that homosexuals have their own special microcultures and the economy, with representatives from the Directors video and other games, designers, and composers. The question still medicine. Here is a detailed medical study of “Sexuality and gender”, published in the journal the New Atlantis (USA). There are 143 pages, the sponsors — the country’s leading experts on sexuality and mental health, Lawrence Mayer, and Paul McHugh. They rely on 200 other respected studies. Their conclusion: the current core beliefs of the American public (or certain parts of it), fascinated by the advocacy of homosexuality and transgenderism, science has not confirmed. It turns out that the American (and generally Western) religion reverent love for sexual minorities is based on anything but not on scientific facts? Yes, it’s exactly that. That is, there is the case that the harm of “passive Smoking” — when science this harm is not proved? Yes. But back to our minorities Medicine, say the authors of the report, does not confirm that sexual orientation is in all cases congenital thing.

It confirms that there is such sexual identity as a woman trapped in a man’s body, and Vice versa (transgender). Science also confirms that if a teenager has symptoms of transgenderism or homosexuality, they do not go away: on the contrary, in some kind of transition to adulthood they have many, and then leave. And last, the most important thing: the propensity of sexual minorities towards depression and suicide comes not from the fact that they made fun of in society evil homophobes. This tendency does not go away, even if society deifies them and even with the sex change surgery. That is, these operations are useless. All this — with multiple references and fixed facts, which is impossible to argue. We are with you, perhaps, do not understand what a bomb under the current Western society (or, more accurately, aggressive half thereof). But this society where you cannot say that it is impossible to encourage in Teens homosexuality. A society where if you oppose gay marriage, you have nothing to do in politics and in a variety of professions: hounded. Make an outcast. Can kill.

And now about the main thing: why do they do it? It is generally believed that thousands of insanely aggressive liberal activists (minority, against Smoking, for the salvation of the planet from warming, etc.) is a way to take the aggression somewhere in the direction that the citizens did not rebel. Maybe it is true. But all such campaigns are well-funded. Including those who see what is happening new business opportunities. This mechanic works like this: the Obama administration signs another prohibitive-binding instrument (Obama is famous for them), where required: a sex-change operation must now enter the insurance under Obamacare is a new insurance policy of America. The American Ministry of health, first, severely punish the doctor who says he won’t do such operation because it harms the patient. Second, medical insurance mean that all patients actually pre-pay for a sex change, although I did not pay. © 2016 AFP/ PETRAS MALUKAS “Baltic pride”: gay pride in Lithuania And, I think, is that all? The above mentioned article in the New Atlantis expresses the horror of the scale of medical plans for intervention in the psyche, the body including the brains of adolescents to solve their “sexual problems”. It builds up a whole branch of medicine. It’s not only about surgery but also the pharmaceutical industry. Familiar history of anti-Smoking, right? Again criminal medical business. And again, the criminal campaign waged by activists.

Because if a person says that he is normally all that is necessary is to cut or sew him something, he, meanwhile, suffers from serious problems, then you are, in fact, deny him help. It’s like saying that if everyone quit Smoking, then go lung disease — and now all abandoned, and the disease is not gone (a fact). And if this conduct is typical of the American totalitarian treatment of brain, to falsify data science… note, The New Atlantis publishing short-run. And the article from which I learned about this study is the Daily Signal, the electronic newsletter of the conservative intellectuals of the American “heritage Foundation”, close to the Republican party. But in addition to the American crowd of activists there are we are living outside the United States. And we, too, have come. How is it done? Is the world health organization. Which will soon release the next authoritative list of diseases existing in the world. From which, as expected, at least transgender will disappear. © 2016 AFP/ PAUL J. RICHARDS openly gay for the first time in US history appointed Minister of the army That is medical science used to say that people have certain problems that you can do something to help.

Now who, following the interests of the criminal medical business, says the problem is nothing, solved operational and other interference. And the fact that after the sex change and other interventions these people have 19 times (!) more likely to die by suicide is a side. Business, especially medical, it is no longer just American, it is global or tries to be. So next will be the world Convention in new methods help sexual minorities and ban on older methods help. On behalf of your country will sign some lobbyist. And they will come to you. Pay attention to the conclusions which Meyer and McHugh make their research. They are: it is necessary to conduct impartial research, in any case not to declare the dispute ended, and not to introduce legally binding measures that would forcibly supported a particular scientific hypothesis. And everyone should have access to information on this issue. The opinion of the author may not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.

Read more: http://ru.sputnik-news.ee/analytics/20160826/3099094.html

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