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What is more useful for smoker – vaping or hookah?

Что полезней для курильщика - вейп или кальян?

To replace the nicotine patches and Allen Carr came new electronic devices. They give off a beautiful pair and massaged the egos of those who dream of one day completely quit Smoking. Hookah Pro http://smokehookah.livejournal.com/profile” target=”_self” rel=”nofollow”>Что полезней для курильщика - вейп или кальян?http://smokehookah.livejournal.com/” target=”_self” rel=”nofollow”>SMOKEHOOKAH, leading his own statistics of Smoking culture, explains whether it is possible to quit nicotine with the help of vaping and hookah, or these gadgets — just an old way of self-destruction in a new package?

The word “vaping” is translated from English as “pairs”, and is the common name of a group of devices for Smoking: electronic cigarettes or “mods”. The principle is simple: some elements of fashion, working together, is heated special flavored liquid that contains nicotine, and the smoker inhales the vapor produced by heating. The process of Smoking this liquid is referred to as a separate word “vaping”, which is completely understandable, given that Smoking is the inhalation of combustion products. Only in this case, combustion, and vaporization and the smoker inhales the vapor of vaping. But people stubbornly say “Smoking to vaping”, using both words is not entirely correct. However, all understand each other.

Nicotine for nicotine

The best way to really quit Smoking is to quit Smoking once and for all, but if there is no such option, and the only question is the method of delivery of nicotine to less harmful, we first need to understand why people smoke cigarettes. We will not take into account any social reasons, so just accept that cigarette smoke only for nicotine.
Wonderful blog clevermind.ru very objective and without propaganda considered the positive effect of nicotine. You must be in shock from the phrase “positive effect of nicotine”? This, of course, not that nicotine is useful (it is extremely harmful!), and the fact that nicotine temporarily improves mood, relieves fatigue, improves short-term performance. Cigarette smoke only because of the easy short-term euphoria, which is given by nicotine. The trailer to the nicotine of cigarette is a host of other harmful substances, the number of which varies from a couple dozen to several thousand — depending on which article you read: against Smoking, for Smoking (they exist too) or neutral.

Vaping as a direct supplier

So, Smoking vaping allows you to completely get rid of all the junk in cigarettes and to leave only necessary, though the most harmful, nicotine. The composition of the liquid for the vaping does not include many components: water (harmless), vegetable glycerin (harmless), propylene glycol (despite the complicated name, it is also harmless), flavorings (added to date, most food in General — harmless), nicotine (extremely harmful). Thus, if before, Smoking cigarettes is like drinking whiskey with Cola, infusing in addition to alcohol, essential oils of whiskey and added sugars and dyes from Cola, now, Smoking vaping you drink pure alcohol, diluted with water with a small addition of flavorings for taste. You got rid of all the excess, leaving the most valuable because of what you smoke.

Is it possible to quit Smoking cigarettes, switching to vaping?

Yes, cigarettes will throw you in the same day, when buy vaping, but it’s a trick question because the right question is: is it possible to stop using nicotine, switching to vaping? The answer is 100% no! Just going to vaping, you’ll never get rid of nicotine addiction, as you continue to use nicotine. The Internet is full of statements in the style: “thousands of people have quit Smoking by going to vaping”, it is necessary to add: “now they are Smoking the vaping, while maintaining nicotine dependence”.

Is it worth to switch from cigarettes to vaping?

If issue throw is not worth it, then definitely Yes. Smoking vaping will still be able to receive regular nicotine, getting rid of harm to additional components of conventional cigarettes. You will not get rid of bad habits, you will only reduce the damage. However, keep in mind that to compensate for the nicotine from cigarettes you will need quite a strong liquid with a nicotine content of not less than 6 mg/ml. Because vaping delivers nicotine worse or in other words, the vapor from the vaping contains less nicotine than cigarette smoke. This means that you have to either longer, or Smoking more often to get a dose of nicotine equal to one conventional cigarette. This question is quite controversial, more details can be found at the end of the article, but if you have friends who have switched from cigarettes to vaping, please note how often they have to hand the mod?

What is more harmful — vaping or hookah?

To answer this question, we need to know an incredible secret: the vaping and hookah is almost the same. As mentioned above, the fundamental difference between vaping from cigarettes is no combustion of tobacco in the hookah burning tobacco also missing, and the evaporation of the liquid, which is tobacco and which is contained in it. The moisture of the tobacco, mixed with glycerin, molasses and flavorings, is vaporized under the influence of temperature, filtered through water and then reaches the smoker. So smoked tobacco for hookah looks like a dry lump, not like cigarette ashes. Often we read that the smoke from a hookah is not smoke but vapor and this is absolutely true, that is, the situation is the same as with electronic cigarettes.

The Internet has a lot of speculation on how harmful hookah is. The main harm from Shisha, besides, in the nicotine. Studies that measured how much nicotine gets the average smoker of hookah showed that hookah Smoking in one hour by one person is roughly equal to Smoking one cigarette.

Statistics on how often people smoke hookah in public domain. But the management of a network of hookah shops since 2010 gives me my own stats. I estimate the average person with the house hookah, it smokes no more than once a week, and not alone. Active Shisha smokers — no more than once per day. Of course there are people who go to extremes, but the process of kindling the coals and cooking the Shisha takes too long to smoke it often.

To determine what is more harmful: cigarettes or e-hookah, you need to talk about specific numbers of nicotine in the liquids for cigarettes, since this value can vary up to 6 times (in the Shisha tobacco, the difference is not so great). Overall, the vaping Smoking is many times more common than hookah because its faster to prepare for Smoking and easier to carry. Former smokers cigarette Smoking is a very strong liquid for electronic cigarettes, therefore, the harm from vaping for them will be higher. People who are not Smoking cigarettes but started Smoking to vaping the (lighter liquid with nicotine) are likely to get less nicotine in one session of Smoking, however, compensate for this more frequent Smoking.

Is it possible to quit Smoking cigarettes, going to hookah?

Definitely not. Attempt to quit Smoking cigarettes with hookah is the equivalent of trying to just quit Smoking cigarettes without any substitutions. As mentioned above, very problematic to smoke hookah with a frequency of cigarette, rather it is simply impossible, because the process of cooking and Smoking takes too much time. In addition, not once seen a picture, when people who smoke with friends in Shisha cafes, in parallel, went out to smoke a cigarette. Hookah is not able to provide the smoker of cigarettes necessary quantity of nicotine.

That provokes a stronger dependence — hookah or vaping?

Dependence when Smoking, hookah, electronic cigarettes can be formed exclusively of one ingredient — nicotine. On the formation of dependence is affected by the frequency of Smoking, that is, the more smoke, the more likely the development of dependence. Then wins a hookah, in the sense that the development of an addiction is almost impossible, again, due to the fact that the preparation and Smoking of the hookah you spend too much time and smoke it more often than once per day for a working person almost impossible. In addition, I can judge by yourself. Being a lover of the hookah about 2006, I never in my life have not experienced nicotine withdrawal, be calm and do the breaks in a year (because of sports), periods of hookah Smoking every day were followed for weeks without a hookah (because of the banal lack of time), I don’t have to take the hookah with you on your trip. If I have no way to smoke a hookah I never have a desire to replace him with a cigarette. In addition, many people permanently quit Smoking cigarettes, may from time to time to smoke hookah, not returning to the same cigarette addiction.
Smoking electronic cigarettes in terms of frequency is much closer to Smoking conventional cigarettes. The man is not Smoking a regular cigarette, beginning to smoke e-cigarettes with nicotine, are almost guaranteed to develop a dependency on nicotine.

And what are the conclusions?

1. If you don’t smoke, in no case do not start to smoke, it’s not worth it.

2. If you smoke regular cigarettes and not going to leave — definitely go for vaping. The harm of nicotine is the same, but there is no harm from the rest, plus no smells and less annoying people around.

3. If you smoke regular cigarettes and want to quit, but still can not completely give up Smoking — definitely go for vaping. Over the nicotine addiction you will have to work independently, but while you’re working on it, the harm from Smoking is less.

4. Do not attempt to quit Smoking cigarettes by hookah — it’s impossible.

5. Smoking electronic cigarettes with nicotine likely to develop nicotine dependence, and Smoking of the hookah is not guaranteed. If you don’t smoke, but for some unknown reason you like horror itching to start Smoking, it is best to buy hookah than an e-cigarette.

So how much nicotine you can get from electronic cigarettes?

Is the exact value of nicotine in the liquid, expressed in mg/ml, however, the actual uptake of nicotine from smoke and vapor are different, and to get couple of dose of nicotine equal to a cigarette, according to some studies need to smoke liquid with nicotine content of not less than 18 mg/ml.
There are studies suggesting that cigarette brings the nicotine content in the blood to 18-19 ng/ml for 5 minutes, and modern fashion, while Smoking a liquid with a nicotine content of 18 mg/ml, this requires as much as 35 minutes. That is, each time you do a smoke, vaper will “redocorate” that you have to compensate for more frequent Smoking.

Interestingly, the above study that the electronic cigarette delivers the nicotine more slowly, made with the support of the American E-Liquid Manufacturing Standards Association (American Association of Manufacturers of Liquids for Electronic Cigarettes) and the main objective of this study is to raise European standards of nicotine in liquids to higher values. In other words, manufacturers of fluids that are promoting them as a way to reduce the harm from Smoking cigarettes, want to the harmful substances were more. I wonder why?

And one more slightly controversial point about liquids for electronic cigarettes — is a complete lack of control over their production and what should be written on the bottle. We need to believe in the word of manufacturers.

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