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This spice will help to quickly bring down the fever

Эта специя поможет быстро сбить высокую температуруAlso cinnamon is able to improve overall health.

Scientists have made a surprising finding: the consumption of cinnamon reduces the body temperature by two degrees.

As it turned out, cinnamon maintains the integrity of the stomach wall.

Therefore, when Guinea pigs were fed cinnamon, they have decreased the formation of carbon dioxide in the stomach by reducing the gastric juice secretion and pepsin from the stomach walls. As a result, the temperature of the stomach decreased.

This fact had a positive effect on animal health. According to scientists, the ability of cinnamon to reduce the internal temperature explains its popularity in tropical countries. Using cinnamon to really cool the body. By the way, their findings are made with special sensors that glotaut as a tablet.

These sensors can assess the composition of the medium, in particular, what gas is released in the gastrointestinal tract. This is a unique system able to monitor and diagnose deviations. Researchers now are assessing the impact of heat stress. And cinnamon here comes to the fore as a dietary modulator of temperature.

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