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The best way to determine body temperature

Как точнее всего определить температуру телаBody temperature: when it hit and where it is the most accurate.

Body temperature has a lot to tell and it is important to know, in which case it should hit and how to measure it. She is one of the main indicators of the condition of the body. And as soon as the thermometer readings are different from the norm of 36.6°C, we sought to lower or raise the temperature to return to this index. ”

It is well known that body temperature is not an absolute unit – it can change during the day within a whole degree. Also, do not discarded the individual characteristics of the organism and rate of 36.6°C is the conditional value, which we take as the reference point.

Usually, this rate goes up in the presence of respiratory symptom, which is manifested by runny nose, cough, chills, body aches. Also the reason for the increase in body temperature can be very different conditions and illnesses. When the temperature is kept at 37.5°C (low grade), we can assume the presence in the body of the cancer process, blood disease and thyroid, infection, inflammation, and even tuberculosis or HIV. So, hurry up in each case to bring the temperature down is not worth it.

Doctors usually rush to determine the cause of the temperature spike. This screening is offered in a clinic, get tested.

And to cause deviation from normal temperature may termometros – a condition caused by the complication of serious illness, the consequence of a birth or traumatic brain injury, severe stress and even hormonal changes the body.

Doctors say that fever is primarily a defensive reaction. That way, our body increases its resistance to disease and inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Thus the body has no other way to put you to bed and give him a break – fever it is a variant of blackmail our tired and overwhelmed body. This condition forces us to start to lead a lifestyle that promotes healing (more than drink and sleep, little movement).

It is considered low body temperature below 36,0°C. the Reason for such condition can be low hemoglobin, compromised immunity, hypothermia, internal bleeding, poisoning. Usually low temperature indicates loss of strength or is a consequence of the disease. To return the temperature to the “”norm”, you need to take vitamins, douches, to be physically active and balance the diet.

When is a fever, there is no single answer. As it turns out, a grown man can feel normal at a temperature of 38.5°C and to cope with colds symptom copious drinking and bed mode. But for an old man, even if he has heart problems, this temperature is dangerous for a long time. Therefore, when the temperature barely reaches 38°C, you have a strong headache and muscle pain, dizziness and weakness – do not hesitate to enlist the help of fever-reducing medicine.

How to accurately measure the temperature and where it is the most accurate? It is believed that the most accurate measure will give the ear canal (near the eardrum). But use the ear thermometer is not mercury because of the risk of damage — suitable electronic or infrared.

Also, regarding the body temperature will show the rectum – in this case, the “run” of the thermometer is only 0.4 degrees. But remember that the temperature in the rectum is always one degree higher than body temperature.

Another way to measure your body temperature – take a thermometer in my mouth, under the tongue. But it’s not really hygienic and there is a good chance that inhaled air will affect the performance.

The most traditional and common way – armpit. Although this is the most unreliable place on the body for measurements of accurate indicators. But this is the safest way in all respects for measuring the temperature of a traditional mercury thermometer. The error in this case amounts to 0.6 degrees.

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