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These reasons can cause cramps in the legs

Эти причины могут спровоцировать судороги в ногахThe doctors shared information about possible causes of leg cramps and how to prevent them, this need to know everything.

As we know, to cope with the cramp in the water is almost impossible, if not at hand will be the pins, which will need to prick the location on foot, which is more “cramped.” Unpleasant statistics of mortality in the reservoirs due to seizures speaks for itself, almost everyone can not cope with the pain and drowns. So in this case, each person should perform only one rule — do not swim too far always have a pin.

As for the slight leg cramps that can disturb a man both day and night, with their appearance, and the doctors believe the following possible causes:

1. Physical fatigue. People may take more than usual the day before to carry in hand or on back is too heavy things, beat the target for training in the gym and so on.

2. Long stay in the same position. In this case, a person can sit or lie on one side, whereby it may appear cramps.

3. Excessive consumption of salty foods and salt deposits. The imbalance in water-salt exchange is also a cause of convulsions.

What you need to do to avoid leg cramps?

Physicians often recommend walks in the fresh air, especially if the person leads a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise regularly or at least stretch your muscles, stretch, walk, etc. self-Massage can serve as a great preventative, but massage by a professional will bring your body more benefits.

For the muscles, so they are not reduced, it is very helpful to take a warm bath with decoction of herbs and plants, and also eat foods containing vitamin D, calcium and magnesium. Experts recommend to reduce the level of physical activity in those who have it too high.

If suddenly convulsions give you a lot of trouble and you can’t relax because of them, it is necessary to plan for the near future trip to the doctor, because to get rid of them is extremely difficult, especially if they become stronger and occur several times a day or even night. By the way, when you regularly troubled by cramps, you should limit yourself from swimming in ponds or pools with cold or even cool water, as the muscles instantly react to the temperature change and could happen again spasm.

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