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How to get rid of seizures in the legs

Как избавиться от судорги в ногахThere are several commonly recommended ways to stop severe leg cramps.

Among the extra common methods of combating this problem include walking or quick movement of the foot forward and back, and then placing it in the raised position. Also widely used methods of stopping seizures are the gentle stretching and careful massage cramped area of the feet.

To relieve spasms in the legs may deep stretching. For the most effective needs to sit on the floor, stretching his cramped leg in front of him. Straighten the leg and turn the foot toward the knee. Grasp the toes and pull them toward the knee and hold this position for about 30 seconds. Feel how the muscles of your feet stretch.
After 30 seconds, release your toes and relax your foot until feeling tension. Repeat this process of stretching and relaxing until the spasm passes. With persistent cramps, take a warm shower or bath and then massage your foot with ice to the disappearance of seizures.

Stretching and movement of the legs is a common methods of stopping the advancing of seizures, however, more appropriate is usually considered to be the prevention of their occurrence. For the most part, direct causes of leg cramps are rarely associated with any specific trigger.
One of the most common causes of muscle cramps is dehydration, so the most common remedies from severe leg cramps include maintenance of water balance in the body.

To maintain water balance by drinking six to eight glasses of water a day, and avoiding alcohol and drinks with high sugar content. Increasing water consumption is not the only modification regarding the power supply, which can be done to combat severe cramps in the legs. To promote convulsions may low levels of potassium. In this regard, to prevent them also helps change the diet by adding potassium supplements or potassium-rich foods such as bananas.

If you do not talk about factors related to nutrition, sometimes the occurrence of leg cramps may be caused by problems such as prolonged sitting or sitting in a position that restricts blood flow, standing for long periods of time on hard surfaces or physical disorders, for example flat feet. Leg cramps can also be due to more serious health problems such as hypoglycemia, diabetes, anemia, thyroid disease and endocrine disruption. Sometimes the reason for getting the intake of certain medications.

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