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Why leg cramps spasm, causes and treatment

Почему сводит ноги судорогой, причины и леченияIt is difficult to find a person who would not faced with the phenomenon of cramp.

Probably everyone at least once faced with the problem of leg cramps.

It seems that someone with the power of constricting the muscles of the legs and tries to turn them inside out. Naturally, all movements at this point are completely constrained, and discomfort remain for a long time after the seizures stop.
There are a number of reasons for the occurrence of convulsions, from the harmless to the dangerous.

Causes of seizures

Legs can cramp for various reasons:

The muscle fatigue. Most often it is a muscle strain due to excessive exercise causes spasms. Most often they occur during sleep, when the muscle begins to relax.

Diseases of the nervous system and nervous overstrain. Sometimes stress can cause involuntary muscle contractions (most often in the calf), causing leg cramps.

Pregnancy. During pregnancy the load on the legs increased by many times. It is not surprising that sometimes pregnant women have leg cramps.

The taking a number of medications can cause leg cramps as a side effect (most often, this problems results taking diuretics drugs).

A deficiency of vitamins, minerals and trace elements can lead to disruption in the functioning of the muscles, from-for what often there are cramps. Most often, the leg cramps causes lack of content in the body of magnesium, calcium, iron, glucose.

A common cause of leg cramps are sudden changes in temperature. In this regard, the legs often cramps in the sweltering sauna or cold pools.

Leg cramps can be a symptom of a number of diseases, among which are venous insufficiency, atherosclerosis and disorders in the lumbar spine.

In addition, leg cramps can be a result of age-related changes, which resulted in the tendons of the legs become shorter.

How to deal with convulsions

Frequent occurrence of leg cramps, of course, is not the norm, so you need to deal with them. Pay attention to preventive measures, which include:

proper nutrition;

regular moderate exercise;

classes stretching;

regular medical examinations.

If you are faced with the problem of leg cramps, do not panic. There is a certain sequence of actions, performing the role of first aid in case of convulsions:

For starters, you need to relax and take several deep breaths.

Try to stand up and straighten up. If the pain is too strong, straighten lying (if the cramp happened in the pool or pond, then you first need to roll over on the back).

You need to pull the toe to stretch the tendon.

If because of pain you can’t pull a leg, just a few times, pinch yourself on the leg or grind her well. Also helps pin prick or a needle.

Put under the feet of the pillow or cushion.

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